r/politics 4d ago

America Lost the First Biden-Trump Debate Soft Paywall


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u/EnglishMobster California 4d ago

She played the game and dropped out before Super Tuesday so as to not dilute Biden's primary vote. Remember Biden was trailing until everyone else suddenly dropped out to prevent Sanders from winning.

Everyone who did as they were told and dropped out got rewarded.


u/EpicurianBreeder 4d ago

Think of the kind of world we could have now if the DNC didn’t actively torpedo Bernie’s campaign. Twice.


u/whatamidoing84 3d ago

Makes me fucking sad. I was a volunteer both times and we worked so hard, but it was never a fair fight. Particularly the second time around, we had it in the fucking bag before the coordinated drop outs and endorsements by the moderates to get a cabinet position. Now Bernie is old af as well but as of today I believe he would kick Trump’s ass in a debate. A shame that we’ll never see it


u/TreyDayG 3d ago

I would pay money to watch that :'(


u/bananapeel 3d ago

The DNC would rather risk losing to a fascist twice than win with a progressive. Think about that.


u/CalmRadBee 3d ago

I mean look across the global south and south east Asia. America sides with fascism over socialism every. single. time.


u/driftwood-rider 3d ago

It’s not even fathomable that people complain about Biden and Trump’s age, and then the Bernie Bros come by saying if only we had voted for Bernie!


u/EpicurianBreeder 2d ago

I don’t give a shit about age. I care about policy and competence, and Bernie rocks both.


u/Dangerous-Nature-190 3d ago

Actively torpedoed… your guy didn’t get enough votes. Period. He ran as a democrat and couldn’t get enough democrats to vote for him to win. Beyond the first two states, his performance in 2020 was pathetic for someone you claim would have absolutely won if “the party hadn’t been out to get him”.


u/CT_Phipps 3d ago

Sanders got utterly ass whipped after a few early victories. Let's not kid ourselves. Most Democrats fear the socialism.


u/EccentricMeat 3d ago

“After a few early victories” yes, because all the moderates dropped out at once to endorse Biden and then Warren refused to drop out, ensuring the progressive vote was split and Biden could easily win.

Most states’ exit polls showed the majority of Dems favored Bernie’s policies, but didn’t find him “electable”. Aka they wanted to vote for him, but believed the DNC and mainstream news that said people wouldn’t vote for him.

Self fulfilling prophecy. DNC and news networks pushed the “Bernie can’t win a national election” narrative and a ton of people who wanted to vote for him voted for Biden instead. “Electability” polls are the single biggest gauge of how likely a populace will do what the powers that be want them to.


u/CT_Phipps 3d ago


No offense, I don't think, "If all the moderate vote was split, Bermie would have won" is the flex you think it is.


u/EccentricMeat 3d ago

I never said it was a flex? All the moderates backed out to consolidate votes for Biden. Those are people who don’t want progressive policies.

Lots of people who DO support progressive policies ALSO voted Biden, partly because everyone endorsed him and partly because the news told them Bernie was “unelectable” since 2015. Then Warren didn’t drop out, so the remaining progressive vote was split. Progressives would have to outweigh the moderate and “Bernie is the best option IMO but I don’t think he can win nationally” crowd by a factor of 2-1, which obviously wasn’t the case.

To put it more simply, if the Democratic base was 50% moderate and 50% progressive, the moderates would obviously win if their side is consolidated while the progressive side is split between two options.


u/Tylerrr93 3d ago

Absolutely and FUCK the DNC for this. Sanders would have turn that orange turd APART on that debate stage.


u/Count_Backwards 3d ago

Deal or no deal, Harris is campaign was a shit show all on its own. She couldn't even make it to the first primary.


u/appleparkfive 3d ago

This is something I think a lot of people just seem to have forgot about. Bernie was looking like he might have been the nominee. And then suddenly everyone dropped out and coalesced around Biden. Because that's what the DNC wanted.

And while that worked for 2020, I knew it was gonna fuck up 2024. Annnnd... Yeah, exactly as expected. Who could have seen this exact issue come up.