r/politics 6d ago

America Lost the First Biden-Trump Debate Soft Paywall


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u/Pure-Rough-9650 6d ago

That's just an absurd line of thinking. That wasn't a random line, this is a presidential debate, every single line these candidates used has been practiced for weeks if not months. He is not trying to gaslight Biden with backward-speech, he's trying to appeal to American voters. Trump said that line specifically to appeal to voters who don't support American interventionism and don't like the current US foreign policy in regards to Russia and China.

Please, we, all americans, need to start discussing actual policies and not weird fallacies like "hrrm well trump is a gaslighting narcissist so just reverse everything he says!" and "hrmm well bidens geriatric so its actually obama pulling the strings!". Like it really cannot be that hard to just discuss policy.


u/Extinction-Entity 6d ago

There's actual precedent for every accusation Trump makes being an admission of his own actions/wants. It happens so much more often than not that it's just absurd to ignore.

Please, you're giving Trump too much credit. Did we watch the same debate?? Like it really cannot be that hard to just discuss the fact that one president has purposely instigated an insurrection at The Capitol where the majority of US Government is housed, and the other one couldn't enunciate an entire thought outside of his golf game and "we beat Medicare."

Reducing the election to simply policy, after we have lived under the presidency of both candidates running, is reductionist and it's a very ostrich-like gesture to ignore the geriatric felon and the geriatric not-felon who both--quite realistically--could die during the next four years.


u/CaptaiinCrunch 6d ago

Did you miss the part where the utter incompetence of the current administration is already leading us towards WWII? Repeatedly blocking peace deals in Ukraine and Palestine, funding the mass slaughter of hundreds of thousands and saber rattling in Taiwan?


u/Extinction-Entity 6d ago

So let’s speed it up and vote Trump in, then, so we can solidify our status as an Axis power!


u/CaptaiinCrunch 6d ago

Sarcastically arguing a counterfactual strawman isn't as smart as you seem to think it is.


u/Extinction-Entity 6d ago

Ignoring the fact that as of this comment, the two choices are Currently Complicit in Genocide Joe and Finish The Job Don, isn’t as SMaRt As YoU tHiNk iT iS.