r/politics 6d ago

America Lost the First Biden-Trump Debate Soft Paywall


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u/Ordinaryundone 6d ago

No, you are completely right. The media is feasting right now because "Biden is weak" is the best clickbait they could have gotten out of this debate short of one of them throwing a punch or dying. Half these headlines feel like they were pre-written just so they could be the first to yell about how screwed Biden is, just like they do about everything else. If Biden isn't perfect, America is doomed, but Trump can stand up there and spew diarrhea nonsense and so long as he does so in a loud voice he's the "winner".

It's just another lap of the horse race.


u/smokeeye 6d ago

In Norway a headline right now (literally the top headline with a big image covering half the page) is: "Expert might think that Biden shows symptoms of Parkinsons". And this is from what is regarded the most objective, non-clickbaity, neutral - news source there is in my country..


What the flying fuck is happening


u/wirefox1 6d ago

He walks and appears stiff because he has arthritis of the spine. He seemed slow last night because they overly rehearsed him nonstop for five days and made him absolutely mentally and physically exhausted before they put him on the stage. He is reported to have a cold which made him cough at times. They should have called it off, because this could cost him the election.

I blame his staff.


u/nagging_nagger 6d ago

I can't imagine cancelling the debate because he had a cold would've helped the perception that he is feeble and in the late stages of a terminal decline


u/wirefox1 6d ago edited 6d ago

I relatively sure there is not much worse than what happened last night.