r/politics 6d ago

America Lost the First Biden-Trump Debate Soft Paywall


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u/Ordinaryundone 6d ago

No, you are completely right. The media is feasting right now because "Biden is weak" is the best clickbait they could have gotten out of this debate short of one of them throwing a punch or dying. Half these headlines feel like they were pre-written just so they could be the first to yell about how screwed Biden is, just like they do about everything else. If Biden isn't perfect, America is doomed, but Trump can stand up there and spew diarrhea nonsense and so long as he does so in a loud voice he's the "winner".

It's just another lap of the horse race.


u/smokeeye 6d ago

In Norway a headline right now (literally the top headline with a big image covering half the page) is: "Expert might think that Biden shows symptoms of Parkinsons". And this is from what is regarded the most objective, non-clickbaity, neutral - news source there is in my country..


What the flying fuck is happening


u/theassman107 6d ago edited 6d ago

Did you not watch the debate (understandable if you live in Norway)? Look, I'd vote for a fucking corpse over Trump. The man is a clear and present danger to the US and the world. That said, and substance aside, he showed the virility of a 50 year old man, while Biden looked like he was struggling to remember where he was. The only way it could have gone worse would be for Biden to have a McConnell moment and freeze up and be led off stage. And the scariest thing is the debate was on the calendar. Surely his handlers made sure he was well rested, fed and provided some Adderall or high quality meth before the debate. We needed Biden from the State of the Union address. Instead we got a feeble old man that looked like he's a few months away from a nursing home. It was so bad, it very well may have lost Biden the election.

IDK if Biden has four weeks or four months, but there's no way in hell he'll be coherent for four more years. Which is fine for me - I'd rather have Harris than MAGA. But independents decide elections in the US and I fear Biden may have lost the election last night. It was that much of a train wreck - and I'm a Biden supporter.


u/ValoisSign 6d ago

tbh I think you might actually be about to vote for a corpse over Trump, based on what I just watched. I would too, he had better points when I could understand them, but I am not certain Biden is alive based on that debate.