r/politics 6d ago

America Lost the First Biden-Trump Debate Soft Paywall


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u/xman747x 6d ago

"The debate continued, of course. And, in fairness, Biden slowly picked himself up off the mat and began to steady his performance. Fortunately for Biden, Donald Trump was not landing haymakers. In fact, the 45th president repeatedly exposed his own weak chin, digressing — if more energetically than Biden — into bouts of verbal diarrhea, as when he said of Biden: “He’s become like a Palestinian. But they don’t like him because he’s a very bad Palestinian.” Or when he alleged of Biden, nonsensically: “He’s the one to kill people with the bad water including hundreds of thousands of people dying.” Trump, also flashed menace, pushing dark lies about Democrats seeking to murder babies “after birth,” while making bizarre claims about his environmental record: “We had H2O, we had the best numbers ever.”


u/Available_Cream2305 6d ago

We had H2O with the best numbers, we would have had H3O but with a rigged election the Biden administration stopped us


u/sean0883 California 6d ago

You know folks, we have a great thing with water - you know water, H2O - everybody knows it. Not many people know this, but the O stands for oxygen, but I knew that. My uncle, he was at MIT, so I understand these things. It's in my blood, folks.

But then along comes the Biden administration, and what do they do? They mess it up, big time.

You know what they didn't do? They didn't add another O to H2O. They don't want you to have more oxygen in your water. They could've made it H2O2, but they didn't have the vision, they didn't have the guts. And now look at us, stuck with plain old H2O.

But mark my words, we're going to fix it. We're going to add that second O, and we're going to make water great again. It's going to be tremendous, folks, absolutely tremendous. So stay tuned, because we're going to get it done.

(ChatGPT wrote most of this. I only really did some slight editing and a couple things it was struggling with. You have to give it a few correction prompts to reel it in, but it's a great bit of fun for most anything.)


u/Steeltooth493 Indiana 6d ago

The sad part about this is that I can hear Ronald Dump saying in in my head. I need some H2NO.