r/politics 6d ago

America Lost the First Biden-Trump Debate Soft Paywall


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u/smokeeye 6d ago

That is true, but that line of thought also invites to disregard everything he (Biden) and his cabinet/adminsistration have done for the last 3.5 years.


u/shinkouhyou Maryland 6d ago

So what do you want news agencies to do? Lie and say that Biden did a great job? Anyone who watched the debate or saw the online reaction to it will know that it's transparent propaganda.

I think the response from left/center news agencies has largely been appropriate. Biden's debate performance was terrible, and it does raise legitimate questions about his fitness to serve for another 4 years. But Trump's debate performance was also terrible, and he's already proven himself to be unfit to serve.

Look, I'm a Biden voter, and I think he's been a pretty good president overall. But that debate performance was horrifying and there's really no way to spin it. Supposedly Biden was sick with a cold last night, but if that's how he debates with a cold, what happens when he gets the sniffles during a major international crisis? It's legitimately frightening to have to worry about Biden becoming another Ronald Reagan propped up by his aides.


u/smokeeye 6d ago

Never said they should lie. I am a leftist in Europe, so probably considered a descendant of Marx himself in the U.S.

He did bad, absolutely. But he is not worse than Trump as a president, more so because of the cabinet Biden will bring with him, rather than the psycophant "yes-men" that Trumps brings.

The goverment is more than the president.

But... You should see how they spin this is Europe, still at this moment. As I told another commenter, on the most popular news page in my country, half the (front) page, is just; "experts say Biden might have dementia".

So why the F...? I have never seen anything like this regarding Trump, in ALL of his years. Maybe a big notice of whatever, but now, this whole day, all the news outlets are basically just running "Biden flunked - Trump won", with no other substance. Maybe a footnote in the end that says "Trump lied the most".


u/trampolinebears 6d ago

This isn't about who won the debate. It's about what the debate revealed about each of the men involved.

Trump was revealed to be exactly the dangerous maniac we already knew he was.

Biden was revealed to be incapable of confronting him.

That's what this is about.