r/politics 6d ago

America Lost the First Biden-Trump Debate Soft Paywall


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u/Kyrasthrowaway 6d ago

If the US falls to fascism, it will spread everywhere. No where is safe.


u/Nukemind Texas 6d ago

Not necessarily. The EU has a larger population and despite the far right gaining their also has inalienable rights. Japan and Singapore have different models and some things I don’t agree with, but they also have their own blocks and methods.

America falling would be the strongest democracy falling.

But at this point with the amount of people willing to vote for a racist, the fact that every election is basically either we win by the skin of our teeth or someone continues to dismantle democracy…

It’s just not tenable. By GF/Fiancee is Asian. I’m from Texas. I can’t even imagine wanting her to move there after how brutal people were during Covid. And people still want to support that party!

Every year there’s supposed to be less boomers and we should be winning by larger amounts… but it’s still always so close.

There are viable alternatives. America is rich and powerful but other nations can step up. Even ones that are population time bombs. The EU already does more for Ukraine than the US and Germany, too, was a dream to live in.

And that’s not getting into the public transport, better and mostly free education, healthier food, sugar taxes, and more.

After having lived in Singapore and Japan, and before that Germany, I honestly question if anything could get me to stay.


u/thatrko 6d ago

Joe Biden and the concrete Jungle remarks and celebrating Robert Byrd but Trump is the racist one, crazy how the Trump is racist stuff was never a thing until he ran for president as a republican.


u/ytrfhki 6d ago

FALSE! Repeating word for word debunked online claims. SAD!


CLAIM: Donald Trump was never called a racist until he ran for president.

AP’S ASSESSMENT: False. The federal government sued Trump for allegedly discriminating against Black apartment seekers in the 1970s. Black pastors also accused the New York businessman of stirring racial animus during the “Central Park Five” rape case in the 1980s. Native American groups criticized him for making derogatory remarks about tribes seeking to build casinos in the 1990s. Trump was also a leading voice of the “birther” conspiracy that baselessly claimed former President Barack Obama was from Africa and not an American citizen.


u/thatrko 6d ago

he was not *widely accused of being rascist* until he ran, there- u happy. I am glad you cherry picked some obscure bs from the 30 years because a handful of people alleged people were denied apartments due to their skin color and that he with plenty of others believed the 5 dudes who were accused by police to have committed a crime happened to be black.