r/politics ✔ Verified 8d ago

Supreme Court ‘playing politics’ by delaying Trump immunity ruling Paywall


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u/crocodial 8d ago

Playing authoritarianism. This is not politics, it is a power grab.


u/Budded Colorado 8d ago

100%... but... I've also heard some legal experts speculating that even with the delays, Trump could be starting the court process in the Fall, keeping him in court right at the run-up to the election. Pure speculation, but I like the spiciness.


u/TeutonJon78 America 8d ago

I read the judge would give them 90 days post ruling before the trial which assuming we get a ruling this week meant the trial could start early October.


u/SacamanoRobert 8d ago

She offered 88 days because she was acting in good faith. Trump has not being acting in good faith in return, and she doesn't have to grant those 88 days. He's had those days and then some at this point.


u/Pgreenawalt Texas 8d ago

Isn’t 88 important to nazis? Too lazy and don’t want to search for nazi shit.


u/SarcasticCowbell New York 8d ago

Yes, 88 is essentially a stand-in for "HH" (H is the eighth letter), which they use as an abbreviation for "Heil, Hitler". They will also use the numbers 14 and 88 together, as 14 stands for a fourteen word sentence used by white supremacists. These are the kinds of things more people need to be aware of. Between that and the vexillology of white nationalists/supremacists, there are a lot of subtle winks members of those communities will make to identify themselves as such to other white nationalists. A lot of people are ignorant to these people and their ways. They say neo-nazis are a fringe element to be ignored, or "it can't happen here." But a lot of people out there make their discreet pledges to it based on what flag they fly, or what numbers they wear, or what words they use. Some of them even sit on the nation's highest court. And, wouldn't you know it, one of the major ways in which Nazis ascended to power was leveraging the courts to their advantage, much like a certain political party here has been doing.


u/jimmysleftbrain 8d ago

Well, that’s discouraging


u/IPDDoE Florida 7d ago

I don't think an Obama appointee would be considering the Nazi ties to the number.


u/PreemoisGOAT 7d ago

This is /r/conspiracy for the left


u/SarcasticCowbell New York 7d ago

I didn't mean to suggest it was, I was simply answering someone's question about 88 and it's significance to white supremacists.


u/IPDDoE Florida 7d ago

I also wasn't responding to you, I was addressing that it seemed the other person linked the judge and the number. I didn't think you made the suggestion


u/eugene20 7d ago

Did she really give that number ? that was never in good faith. What possible reason other than dog whistling could that number have been settled on.


u/IPDDoE Florida 7d ago

She was appointed by Obama, and previously declared he was not immune from prosecution. E. Jean Carroll was awarded 88 million dollars, is that a dog whistle? This appears to be coincidence.


u/eugene20 7d ago

E. Jean carroll was not awarded that figure in any individual verdict.

May 9, 2023 the jury awarded Carroll a total of $5 million in damages from Trump

January 26, 2024, the jury deliberated for three hours and awarded Carroll $7.3 million in emotional damages, $11 million in reputation-related damages, and $65 million in punitive damages, totaling $83.3 million


u/IPDDoE Florida 7d ago

That's my point. First off, it doesn't matter if it is one number or several numbers added together. If we're going to be all tinfoily, we could easily assume the Jan 26th jury knew about the 5 million figure and so their number was intended to add up to 88. Of course that's bullshit i know, but without the context you provided, someone could see the 88 number and think it was deliberate, when in fact, unless you can show other MAGA or white supremacist tendencies, we should chalk it up to coincidence unless we have good reason to believe otherwise. And since she's previously ruled against trump, I'm going to assume she wasn't signaling her love for Hitler.


u/SacamanoRobert 7d ago

She is most certainly not dog whistling. Lol. What is that person even talking about?! Judge Chutkan is not in the Trump (or nazi) Fan Club. AT ALL.


u/IPDDoE Florida 7d ago

Exactly...and I see I've been downvoted for pointing out that fact. People looking for conspiracies when they aren't there.


u/joranth 7d ago

Trump is Hitler’s ghost. CONFIRMED.