r/politics ✔ Verified 8d ago

Supreme Court ‘playing politics’ by delaying Trump immunity ruling Paywall


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u/DrNickRiviera8000 8d ago

Man the SC has done a horrible job handling this. Between the Trump immunity case and overturning Roe, I don’t see how it doesn’t result in significant SC reform over the next 10-20 years. Term limits, ethics codes, limits to what they can and can’t overturn. It’s basically 6 idiots not realizing they’re going to make the court everything they don’t want it to be due to their corruption and partisanship


u/cassius1213 Virginia 8d ago

They don't intend for their opposition to ever be in a position to engage in court reform, because they don't intend for their opposition to ever again hold political power.


u/jkvincent 8d ago

This is correct. GOP on the whole has been making blatant end-game moves for the last 8 years. They do it openly because they intend to win by any means necessary and the consequences won't matter once they seize control and remove all legal/political mechanisms for remedy.


u/[deleted] 8d ago

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u/somethingsomethingbe 8d ago

If that happens life as we ever knew or enjoyed is over though. China and Russia would make huge moves as soon as we start to fight among are selves. Then good luck getting meds, food, parts for things we need or break down. 


u/webslingrrr 8d ago

and why do you suppose Russia has been helping them do it? probably exactly this...


u/Jozoz 7d ago

Also because demographics work against them. It's now or never for this current GOP.

Over time, they would need to change to accommodate changing demographics of the US and that frightens them deeply.


u/DrNickRiviera8000 8d ago

I agree but I think what they don’t realize is that every law or precedent they blatantly ignore, the easier it will be for future justices or legislators to do the same thing.

They can rule however they want but they’re so far beyond public feeling on the topics that eventually they will be replaced and those who replace them will overturn everything this court has done.


u/cassius1213 Virginia 8d ago

You make excellent points, but I feel like the major thrust of my statement's being lost.

More explicitly, the Republican justices don't care if their actions would inflame a future Democratic Congress or liberal Court majority to action, because they and their partisan allies are working to ensure that neither one of those ever comes to pass.

As for public sentiment, that same coalition is working to ensure that even overwhelming popular support for their political opponents will never translate into actual political power.


u/NeverLookBothWays I voted 8d ago

This. They’re banking on Democracy having died during Trump’s term. They absolutely positively f**ked over the nation…permanently. In a game over fashion. We are just not all realizing that yet. I do not see an easy way out.


u/DrNickRiviera8000 8d ago

Those are definitely legit concerns but I just can’t foresee them winning. Maybe I’m foolishly optimistic and it’s extremely important to vote but I’m trying to stay optimistic


u/debrabuck 8d ago

Mike Johnson and other Republicans, including the SCOTUS, stand ready to enact Project 2025....


u/SubterrelProspector Arizona 8d ago

We'll stop them. One way or another.


u/SociallyAwarePiano 8d ago edited 8d ago

Stay optimistic, but don't get complacent. Optimism is a light to keep the world from going too dark, but you should use that light to see clearly, not to blind yourself.

I get it though. I have to unplug fairly regularly because it's tough to not feel a little broken about the state of the country. My advice is just as much for me as it is for you.


u/Pixeleyes Illinois 8d ago

I felt exactly like this in October 2016.


u/jar1967 8d ago

They don't realize the rules of an authoritarian government. They have to win every time and their opposition just has to win once


u/mostdope28 7d ago

Republicans senate will never allow a D president to seat a SCOTUS justice again either. They’ll keep the bench empty instead


u/Pgreenawalt Texas 8d ago

This is the fucking truth.