r/politics ✔ Verified 25d ago

Clarence Thomas: I should have declared free holidays from billionaire Paywall


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u/FearCure 25d ago edited 25d ago

Exactly. Regardless our role ( scientist, procurement, commercial, etc etc) in our company with 110,000 employees, we are all required to declare ALL gifts and NO ONE is allowed to accept any gift with a market value greater than eighty dollars.


u/jscummy 25d ago

Yeah but those yacht trips were probably less than $80 right


u/fuzzydoug 25d ago

Annual Salary of Supreme Court Justices: 266,000 dollars.

A private trip on a super yacht: 250,000 Dollars.

Friendship: Priceless


u/definitivescribbles 25d ago

That private trip is a drop in the bucket for what he was getting in return. “Friendship” my asss.


u/sequoiachieftain 25d ago

Once I found out Harlan Crow owns Realpage, the company responsible for fucking the whole country on rent prices, it all made a lot more sense.


u/Moraghmackay 23d ago

Ohhh shit , does he??? Yeah that makes sense I'm not going to look it up but I'm going to take you word on it and because why would anyone lie on the internet


u/P1xelHunter78 Ohio 25d ago

that's the point of our legalized bribery. also, both sides are not the same


u/Ok_Statistician_9825 24d ago

Hey, don’t ‘out’ your ass!