r/politics Rolling Stone Jun 02 '24

Trump Denies Ever Saying ‘Lock Her Up.’ He Did… Several Times Soft Paywall


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u/vmqbnmgjha Jun 02 '24

Am I the only one who would love to hear Biden say "Fuck off, felon" during the debates ???


u/LondonCollector Jun 02 '24

Or just deny the debate and say that he doesn’t associate with felons.


u/hubrisnxs Jun 02 '24

He'd be able to get massive improvements in several states if Biden stated he's in favor of nonviolent or no repeaters being given back the right to vote. It's more in line with a genuinely moral ethos, and I'm shocked the Republicans haven't done it first.

Plus, he can say something like"if an amoral felon is going to break the country running for president, maybe a few thousand moral felons can heal it by voting against him " . Don't know, more of the idea man than a word one.


u/VoxImperatoris Jun 02 '24

Republicans havnt done it because its one of their methods to disenfranchise black voters.


u/MidwesternLikeOpe Michigan Jun 02 '24

Exactly. I'm guessing possession of marijuana is one of the top charges for all felons, which is a non violent charge. They're definitely afraid of a sudden change in voting habits once black men especially are released and/or vote.

They make it obvious enough for currenly eligible black voters, who have a dozen hoops to jump through just to make their voice heard.


u/EmotionalJoystick Jun 02 '24

“One of”


u/VoxImperatoris Jun 02 '24

Off the top of my head, voter registration purges, voter ID rules, and placement of polling precincts to ensure long lines. Those all disproportionately effect people of color. Im sure theres others Im not thinking of atm.


u/hubrisnxs Jun 02 '24

Yeah i I think that was the joke. Shameful behavior though for sure


u/VoxImperatoris Jun 02 '24

Hard to tell sometimes if people are joking.