r/politics May 19 '24

How Can This Country Possibly Be Electing Trump Again? Soft Paywall


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u/Flowers_for_Taco May 19 '24

The link you included shows the average us iq as 99.6 and the whole thing is set up such that 100 is average


u/Raileyx May 19 '24 edited May 19 '24

99.6 is the average of the states, 98 is a different measure, average of all people.

You get 99.6 if you just count each state as 1 and then divide by 50. If you weigh by population, you supposedly get 98, but when I tried with their numbers, weighing by population estimate from 2023, I got 99.07. So not sure what's going on there, maybe they've made a mistake, or probably it's only counting the adult population or subsampling in a different way, but these are two different figures.

  1. Average of the states, not weighed by population. (99.6)

  2. Average of the population. (98, according to the article)


u/Legitimate-BurnerAcc May 19 '24

They tried telling me I had a gifted iq but I'm a total fucking moron so idk how well iq works


u/Stock_Car_3261 May 24 '24

Fun fact...

People of lesser intelligence tend to overestimate how smart they are, and people who are highly intelligent tend to underestimate how smart they are.