r/politics May 19 '24

How Can This Country Possibly Be Electing Trump Again? Soft Paywall


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u/[deleted] May 19 '24

Do I think it is an American problem? No, but if and usually how economics in the world works is if America has inflation so does the rest of the world. Biden has everything to do with it because he can lower or heighten inflation which he has done under his presidency. You ares paying you did something but blaming it on past events. It is his fault and if the next president increases it or lower it then it is their fault!

Do you have any idea as to a clue at how much Biden spent???

I don’t care where you live. I don’t care how much you earn or how smart you think you are. When the prices are going out of control and you can’t buy necessities like food or rent or buy a home and normal people can’t live then there has to be change. Biden is not that change otherwise it wouldn’t be like this


u/Necrowaif May 19 '24

Look, man, I’m not an economist, but I think you’re putting a little too much importance on the role of the President. He doesn’t control the world economy; there’s no lever in his office that he can pull and raise the menu prices at Taco Bell.

Also, you’re ignoring my point that Donald Trump does not have the solutions you are hoping for. He will only make things worse.


u/[deleted] May 19 '24

Really? The president appoints others that do work in other sectors of the government which does in turn work down to what you pay.

You do understand the article what you just sent is for tariffs on cars right? The most bought cars in America are Toyotas where are they made? Not china or Mexico and please stop kidding yourself.

Biden literally undid laws that trump put in place to allow millions yes millions of illegals to illegally come into the country and are now going to vote democrat and use tax payer money on housing, food stamps, healthcare…it’s like a never ending chain of events.


u/Elegant_Plate6640 May 20 '24

There are actually several Tacoma manufacturers in the USA, that’s a well known fact about that brand.