r/politics May 19 '24

How Can This Country Possibly Be Electing Trump Again? Soft Paywall


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u/branedead May 19 '24

I believe there is a process underway where starts will automatically cede all of their electrical college votes to the winner of the popular vote, and they're closing in on 270 EC votes, which will de facto eliminate the EC


u/Ok_Zebra6169 Tennessee May 20 '24

Thats not going to happen. This would take a constitutional convention and the Dems don’t have the numbers. The Republicans have control of most of the state legislatures. This country was founded as a constitutional republic and a move like this would lead to civil war. NY and California are so out of step with the rest of the country they shouldn’t get to disenfranchise everyone else, permanently.


u/branedead May 20 '24

It absolutely would NOT require a constitutional convention. If 270 EC votes were coming from states that said "whoever wins the popular vote gets 100% of this state's EC votes" and boom, the EC is effectively abolished.

Why in the world would this require a constitutional convention when states get to determine the criteria by which they award EC votes?!


u/Ok_Zebra6169 Tennessee May 20 '24

This will never happen dude. You might see some deep blue states do this but why would a smaller state relinquish their powers? Ridiculous lol


u/branedead May 20 '24

The National Popular Vote Interstate Compact is currently at 209 EC votes with a number of states polling as interested in joining the compact. Time will tell whether enough join to reach 270, but even at 209 this is a significant number of votes just from the popular vote.


u/Ok_Zebra6169 Tennessee May 20 '24

Its all deep blue states that have no chance of going republican. What a shocker! Maine could go Republican, hypothetically.


u/Ok_Zebra6169 Tennessee May 20 '24

So if a Republican Wins Maine and EC but loses pop vote then Maine disenfranchises own voters, nice lol


u/Ok_Zebra6169 Tennessee May 20 '24

Probably would lose a SCOTUS challenge


u/branedead May 20 '24

You're just a negative nancy, aren't you?


u/Ok_Zebra6169 Tennessee May 20 '24
