r/politics May 19 '24

How Can This Country Possibly Be Electing Trump Again? Soft Paywall


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u/crudedrawer May 19 '24

Second, there is a tremendous array of forces working in Donald’s favour:

This is the oft unspoken truth rihght here. The most powerful people in the world - from the supreme court to media CEOs to Putin and Musk and an entire universe of right wing podcasters and youtubers with huge reach - all want to make Biden lose. If he wins it will be the greatest victory of people over The Powers that Be and they'll STILL frame it as the elites keeping regular folks down.


u/Outside_Function_726 May 19 '24

We have seen both of these 2 geezers run the show and it's a shit show......all politicians must go we need new leadership


u/POEness May 19 '24

Cool. Believe that all you want. If nothing matters and everything's horrible, use that as an excuse to vote Biden and downticket left.


u/Outside_Function_726 May 19 '24

No you are still playing the game I refuse


u/heelstoo May 19 '24

If you’re not playing the game, the game still exists and you automatically lose. But, by not playing the game, you also hurt others on your team.


u/ilfusionjeff May 19 '24

By simply “not playing the game” you’re voting for Trump. Thanks disaffected American for being so apathetic that we get a dictator.


u/Automatic_Rock_2685 May 19 '24

You're not doing anything novel. In reality, you're having the same effect as someone who is totally apathetic, so you might as well be too.