r/politics Rolling Stone May 15 '24

Biden Challenges Trump to Two Debates. Trump Immediately Accepts Soft Paywall


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u/KarateKid1984 May 15 '24

The top post on the conservative sub is “the Biden campaign officially turns down debate commission”.

Man, they’ll reframe anything to make it look better for them.


u/littletinydickballs May 15 '24

they reframed it, just as Rolling Stone omitted that the offer comes outside the debate commission with unique demands and stipulations from Biden. we all have our political bias


u/slymm May 15 '24

Biden's camp offered to negotiate with Trump's camp. Biden's camp also said crowds are bad because of x and y. I don't think that qualifies as demands


u/littletinydickballs May 15 '24

demanded changes to traditional debate commission sanctioned format. :)


u/slymm May 15 '24

No. Refused to participate in debate commission sanctioned format. Offered an opportunity for an alternative.

Biden didn't demand anything from anyone. He doesn't have the power to demand anything from the commission, nor demand anything from Trump.


u/tet19 May 15 '24

He just won’t do it unless trump agrees to the conditions….i guess that’s one way to phrase a demand as not a demand


u/bunkSauce May 15 '24

Demand ~ an insistent and peremptory request, made as if by right.

Preremptory ~ putting an end to or precluding a right of action, debate, or delay. specifically : not providing an opportunity to show cause why one should not comply. a peremptory mandamus.


u/TentativeIdler May 15 '24

I can't take something from a store without giving them money, are they demanding my money? They made the offer, it's up to me if it's worth accepting.


u/qwaai May 15 '24

The commission that Republicans abandoned first?

This is such a strange way to frame what's happened.


u/bunkSauce May 15 '24

Changes that were never needed (like mic cut off) until candidates began to talk over the other.

Is that the type of debate you find constructive?


u/littletinydickballs May 15 '24

idk, that’s completely irrelevant to the point


u/fishsticklovematters May 15 '24

How so? There was never a need for turning off mics (or telling participants to not wander and stand behind their opponent when they were talking) before Trump made the debates a spectacle instead of an actual...you know...debate.



u/bunkSauce May 15 '24

You are an ineffective troll, and I have let reddit know of your false self-harm report you just made.


u/Tellyourdadisay_hi May 15 '24

Good on you! They take that very seriously actually.


u/littletinydickballs May 15 '24

that wasn’t me but okay, deflect, duck, disengage! is this the type of discussion you find constructive?


u/jaboooo May 15 '24

Go for it man. Keep ducking and dodging I guess. This is kinda sad.


u/tresslesswhey May 15 '24

Didn’t the republican party ditch the debate commission altogether?


u/omniron May 15 '24

The commission has regularly negotiated details and formatting in the past