r/pics 7d ago

After the presidential debate, Joe Biden greeted by his wife Jill Biden while Trump walks off stage Politics

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u/mothzilla 6d ago


u/bigchicago04 6d ago

Helping him down the stairs was not a good look.

But can I just point out the other contrast? Bidens wife joined him on the stage and then they went over and politely thanked the moderators. Trump just walks off back to his aides. Really highlights their character.


u/mothzilla 6d ago

Oh definitely. Biden is frail but not a dick. If Biden wins he'll hand over to Harris 6 months in. Calling it now.


u/PowerfulPickUp 6d ago

Biden is kind of a dick- he’s got tons of grumpy old man encounters. And we’ve seen countless times that when he gets lost leaving a stage he’ll go wherever he’s directed to.


u/mothzilla 6d ago

Maybe. But he doesn't come across on screen as an absolute degenerate.


u/PowerfulPickUp 6d ago

We’re talking about two different Joe Biden’s then. He has plenty of gross comments. You should look him up.


u/mothzilla 6d ago


u/PowerfulPickUp 6d ago

I recommend starting here:


Good luck.👍


u/mothzilla 6d ago

You'll want your ass wiping next.


u/PowerfulPickUp 6d ago

I think that comment would work better if the roles were reversed. I’m definitely not the one asking you for anything.

Have a good life. Bye.


u/mothzilla 6d ago

No you're the one claiming something. But you can't offer anything to support your claim, and you want me to do it instead. Ain't nobody got time for that.


u/PowerfulPickUp 6d ago

You’re right. I don’t have time to help you find stuff that’s been easily available for decades.

Good luck to you. Adios.


u/mothzilla 6d ago

Next time, if you want to throw some wacky claims around you need to back them up. Otherwise you sound like a kid in a playground.

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