r/pics 5d ago

Man missing for 10 days found.

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u/Upstairs_Sir_6250 5d ago


u/zeptillian 5d ago

Why was he drinking water out of his fucking boot?

How is it that you can get the water from a waterfall into your boot but can't get it in your mouth?


u/jordanmindyou 5d ago

Soooo much about this story sounds like he is being dramatic or did it all on purpose for some kind of attention


u/zeptillian 5d ago

Exactly. In an interview he says he knew he was lost after several days out there.

No one goes on a 3 hour hike and expects to be gone for days.

This guy also has a self admitted history of just taking off.

Either he was trying some shit and got in over his head or he did exactly what he wanted to do.

This was no accident.


u/MalevolentLemons 4d ago

I mean just look at his hair, to me it looks like he's playing it up for the camera.