r/pics 5d ago

Man missing for 10 days found.

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u/sword_0f_damocles 5d ago

Seriously. Plus the area he was in is basically boxed in by highways that at any given time are no more than 25 miles away. It’s not hard to cover 25 miles in a day or two if walking is literally the only thing you’re doing. Worst case just follow the sun west until you hit the ocean. Even that shouldn’t take 10 days.


u/geniasis 5d ago

IIRC it's not unusual for people who get lost in the wilderness to have ultimately only been a couple of miles away from a road in any given direction. Evidently humans are bad at walking in straight lines


u/TurtleSpeedAhead 5d ago

There was a woman in San Diego this week that went on a group hike and somehow got lost at the end. They ended up finding her body a quarter mile away from civilization


u/DeusFerreus 5d ago edited 5d ago

That seem to be less a case of getting particularly lost and more of a case of heat stroke.

Le Nguyen set out Sunday morning with about 100 other hikers for a 5K fundraiser, according to police. [...]

Around 8 a.m., the group stopped halfway up the mountain, but other hikers said she continued up the trail alone to finish the hike. She even contacted members of the group at 9:30 a.m. to tell them that she made it to the end of the trail.

About 10 a.m., Le Nguyen made a distress call to her sister, saying she was "extremely hot and needed water," Meyer said. That was the last anyone heard from her.

It went from her being OK to a severe distress in half an hour.


u/Sure_Ad_3390 5d ago

That's kinda how heatstroke goes. first day of my colorado trail thru it was 100+ at waterton. Had an aggressive start and was feeling ok until up and over the last climb of the day and when I got to my stop point I just instantly felt like shit. Started dry heaving and had to soak my buff in water put it on my face and lay in the shade for hours before I felt normal.

If I didn't have a water source I would have been fucked.