r/pics 5d ago

Man missing for 10 days found.

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u/Blueguerilla 5d ago

This guy is honestly an idiot. Headed out into the backcountry without even a shirt on. No food, no water, no cell phone. I’m surprised he was smart enough to take a knife. He said “on the 5th day he realized he was lost”. Buddy you’d been lost for 4 days and 21 hours at that point, given that it was supposed to be a 3 hour hike. And from the sounds of it he didn’t even learn his lesson.


u/sword_0f_damocles 5d ago

Seriously. Plus the area he was in is basically boxed in by highways that at any given time are no more than 25 miles away. It’s not hard to cover 25 miles in a day or two if walking is literally the only thing you’re doing. Worst case just follow the sun west until you hit the ocean. Even that shouldn’t take 10 days.


u/geniasis 5d ago

IIRC it's not unusual for people who get lost in the wilderness to have ultimately only been a couple of miles away from a road in any given direction. Evidently humans are bad at walking in straight lines


u/gsfgf 5d ago

Walking a straight line in the woods is incredibly difficult. That's why you always walk downhill if you're going to try and self-rescue.


u/rkiive 5d ago

Not even just the woods. All humans basically end up walking in a circle a few km in diameter due to some reason they couldn't specifically determine; slightly different stride lengths / side favouritism maybe but it happened even in a golf buggy while blindfolded.

Basically impossible without some sort of guidestick