r/pics 5d ago

Man missing for 10 days found.

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u/Blueguerilla 5d ago

This guy is honestly an idiot. Headed out into the backcountry without even a shirt on. No food, no water, no cell phone. I’m surprised he was smart enough to take a knife. He said “on the 5th day he realized he was lost”. Buddy you’d been lost for 4 days and 21 hours at that point, given that it was supposed to be a 3 hour hike. And from the sounds of it he didn’t even learn his lesson.


u/mrASSMAN 5d ago

Yep when I heard this story the more I learned about it the more stupid it made him out to be. The story kept emphasizing that he survived by drinking lots of water.. well duh that’s the minimum required to live for 10 days, but he didn’t bring any food or clothes and had no wilderness skills whatsoever? Caused a huge issue to save him


u/Vaxtin 5d ago

If he hadn’t drank a lot of water he’d be dead within two or three days. Exposure is something not a lot of people expect to get them, but that’s what really does it.

Never mind the heat wave the country is experiencing.


u/mrASSMAN 5d ago

Yeah that’s why I was saying it’s the minimum to survive for that long.. starving takes longer. Fortunately it’s summer so he didn’t freeze to death.


u/SnuggleBunni69 4d ago

Honestly, even in the winter there, you're not gonna freeze.


u/Pitiful_Winner2669 5d ago

I've hiked there a ZILLION times. I'm still trying to figure out how/wtf he was doing.

My mom hikes there a couple times a week and sent me the article, dumbfounded. Well, they found dumb!


u/PubFiction 5d ago

We humans are funny like that we see people go do stupid things and then we all rally together and pour huge resources into finding them. Only to find out what they did was all stupid. Meanwhile people wont even help make a decent society for the decent hard working people who don't cause a bunch of trouble.


u/40ozkiller 5d ago

He should have to pay for the rescue teams who had to work overtime looking for his dumbass.


u/tonyrizzo21 4d ago

Yea, the first thing I saw written about this guy was titled something like, "Man missing 10 days survived by drinking a gallon of water a day!" I'm like, that's more than I drink on any given day.