r/pics 5d ago

Man missing for 10 days found.

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u/Blueguerilla 5d ago

This guy is honestly an idiot. Headed out into the backcountry without even a shirt on. No food, no water, no cell phone. I’m surprised he was smart enough to take a knife. He said “on the 5th day he realized he was lost”. Buddy you’d been lost for 4 days and 21 hours at that point, given that it was supposed to be a 3 hour hike. And from the sounds of it he didn’t even learn his lesson.


u/wetcardboardsmell 5d ago

I low key wondered if he was on a fungi hike or something similar at first, because I couldn't understand how he went a few days before realizing he was lost. Thats some serious Gilligan's island energy.


u/phsuggestions 5d ago

Yeah this dude was on a spirit quest forsurrre


u/Tommysrx 5d ago


u/ImprovisedLeaflet 5d ago



u/ImBoppin 5d ago

Dude you just gave me the most visceral flashback to seeing Castaway as a child and BAWLING when he lost Wilson. I had totally forgotten how deeply it affected me but I remember now thinking about it for days lol.


u/superirrelephant 5d ago

I just rewatched this movie recently and couldn't believe how hard I cried about Wilson. ugly tears.


u/Yamamoto74 5d ago

That scene and when he finds out his wife is remarried and trying to figure it out in the house with her usually gets me.


u/Burnmycar 4d ago

( Cries over Wilson again )


u/bertha_salazar 5d ago

Sameeeee. What a lingering event. The other day we left the car at the shop and I reassured *them* that we'd be back, what.


u/WhereTheresWerthers 5d ago

I don’t think he was planning to come back at all. He was so out of touch with his own family they didn’t realize he was gone till he didn’t show up for a Father’s Day dinner seven days after he went on the hike.


u/ShAd0wS 5d ago

Unclear if 'family' means wife and kids, or mom / dad / siblings. Based on Father's Day being the reason they realized he was missing, I'm guessing the latter.

If he was a 34 yo single dude on his own, it would be totally normal to go a week without having talked to his parents or siblings. The type of guy who goes on multiple-day backpacking trips regularly probably isn't a 'wife and kids' type of guy.


u/jarl-marx- 5d ago

Can confirm last I talked to my folks has been a couple weeks outside of an occasional text. We are on good terms, I’m just antisocial except my relationship with my wife. Going to surprise my dad in a month or two when I’ve completed my PPL and pick him up to take him on a flight.


u/95castles 5d ago

Congrats on almost finishing! You got this👍🏽


u/Nutcrackit 5d ago

Also can confirm. If it didn't work with my brother in law I would probably only talk with family 1-2 months.


u/shpongleyes 5d ago

Pedantic correction: you probably mean “asocial” instead of “antisocial”. Asocial is where you just don’t like to socialize. Antisocial is where you take measures to act against society.

An asocial person doesn’t want to go to a party. An antisocial person may want to shoot up a party.


u/jarl-marx- 4d ago

So technically both, at least in person. I don’t have a fear of talking to people online, but actively avoid social activities/gatherings where I have to make small talk. Basically I’m Ron Swanson most of the time.


u/shpongleyes 4d ago

I don’t think you got the distinction.

Asocial = introverted

Antisocial = terrorist/serial killer/murderer


u/jarl-marx- 4d ago

Thank you for clarifying, I am indeed asocial and not an antisocial danger to society.


u/swb1003 4d ago

Safe flights & tailwinds, friend.


u/DangerNyoom 5d ago

Going to surprise my dad in a month or two when I’ve completed my PPL and pick him up

I read that as you finishing your push-pull-legs weightlifting regimen and then bench pressing your dad. He will definitely be surprised.


u/dropthatpopthat 5d ago

is this not what he meant?


u/jarl-marx- 4d ago

Now I’m thinking about squatting him and carrying him through an airport terminal.


u/DescriptionSenior675 5d ago

Nice dude, don't crash


u/my_nameborat 5d ago

7 days isn’t that long? If they live even 2 hours away it’s not a big deal to go a week without talking. I’ve got a good relationship with my family and we usually call every 2 weeks or so


u/SolidOutcome 5d ago

Right....and not talking to my family does not mean I'm suicidal.


u/WhereTheresWerthers 5d ago

For sure, but did you see this guy talking about it?


u/WhereTheresWerthers 5d ago

My perspective being if it was his family that went seven days not knowing, where were his friends or buddies? This guy didn’t have anyone worried about him for seven days, just glad Father’s Day rolled around to pique his family’s interest in his whereabouts.


u/giantpurplepanda02 5d ago

My brother's best friend did this last winter. They had many search parties and eventually found his frozen body with a drone camera. He struggled with BPD and was an avid outdoorsman/climber.


u/benisch2 5d ago

This is honestly so sad


u/saranowitz 5d ago

I think this here is it. It was intended to be a 1-way hike. Didn’t bother following a trail. Then he changed his mind.