r/oddlysatisfying 6d ago

Peeling roasted marshmallows

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u/Ethan_WS6 6d ago

Every one of them was still undercooked in the middle for my liking. Back off the heat and slow roast that thang. 100% gooey > 50% gooey


u/Longjump_Ear6240 6d ago

I like to do it like in the video, pulling off the outer bit so there's still half the marsh mallow on the stick, then roast that. Its fucking amazing and so gooey


u/-StepLightly- 6d ago

This is the way. All the way to 4. Twice.


u/Ethan_WS6 6d ago

That sounds good, I'll definitely have to try it


u/Larkgohue2 6d ago

This guy roasts. 


u/m0larMechanic 6d ago

Yep! And the inner part does not burn like the outter OG shell. I do this with all my mallows when making s’mores. I also use a peanut buttercup instead of chocolate. Also fuck hersheys. Worst chocolate ever.


u/joelthomastr 5d ago

I thought that was what they were doing at first. Then at 3 I thought, nah no way anyone's getting that much out of one marshmallow


u/FailedToObserve 6d ago

I always thought this was the ultimate goal/challenge. To get everything inside gooey and brown the outside without burning or dropping the marshmallow. Always thought that was the challenge. After this post.. I’m realizing some people eat just the marshmallows itself….


u/Sponger004 6d ago

Same! I get it golden brown and the inside so gooey it falls off the stick. The hard part is getting it right before that moment when it’s about to fall off the stick, and get it to fall on the gram.


u/hanamisai 5d ago


These are all improperly cooked because they were cooked too fast, and marshmallow is left on the stick.


u/MediocreHope 6d ago

I know we won't agree but I like the contrast.

4 is damn near perfection to me in every way.

I know how to roast a marshmallow but I aim for that.

I normally do a high and slow to get it warm but not melting and then stick it in the fire for a few seconds to get a golden brown crust.

I also don't want my chocolate to be fully melted. I want it to be basically in a bar form that you could pick up if you really wanted but in less than 3 seconds it'll droop down and fall in your lap.


u/Smoking-Seaweed-81 6d ago

No gotta have it medium rare - 3 was the best LOL


u/merc08 6d ago

Exactly. You shouldn't be able to pull a shell off the middle like that. This whole post is disgusting.


u/Grotesk_ 6d ago

Exactly. If cooked perfectly, there should be very little if any mallow left on the stick.


u/wellhiyabuddy 6d ago

Exactly you have to roast it to the middle. You know the middle is done if the marshmallow starts to spin on the stick, then you can dunk it in the fire for a little char at the end if you want


u/sweetrobna 6d ago

With a broiler it's easier to get them perfect in the center and golden on the outside than actually over a fire with a stick


u/mystiqueallie 6d ago

These are the massive marshmallows (approx equivalent to 3-4 regular ones), I can never get the innermost part gooey on those, even if I roast it low and slow. The regular large marshmallows are much easier to get 100% gooey.


u/snootyscoop 6d ago

I don't have the patience for that, I just set them on fire to cook as quickly as possible


u/FaunKeH 5d ago

Low n slow