r/nottheonion 1d ago

Japan's first strike! Chinese woman was prosecuted for riding an electric suitcase on the streets of Osaka


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u/aRandomFox-II 1d ago edited 1d ago

Shitty clickbait article. Shame on OP.


u/A_Mouse_In_Da_House 1d ago

This is not the onion. Clickbait is the game


u/aRandomFox-II 1d ago

r/nottheonion is for real articles that sound like satire, not clickbait.


u/Atomic_ad 1d ago

Redditor SLAMs clickbait.  You won't believe what he said, click to find out.


u/[deleted] 1d ago



u/da_chicken 1d ago

I had the same reaction. Sneaky I.


u/dontmindifididdlydo 1d ago

woman, who is in her 30s and an international student living in Osaka's Hohana district

the woman was riding in an electric suitcase with a maximum speed of 13 km/h, so it was an electric bicycle (light motorcycle), and the rider required a driving licence, but the woman failed to show it, and was prosecuted

so this has absolutely fuck all to do with the fact that she's chinese


u/ironic-hat 1d ago edited 1d ago

Foreign nationals are often mentioned in these types of scenarios since prosecuting them can occasionally become an international affair depending on what the relationship between the two countries is like.


u/2e9z1951vl0ygrurlbpx 1d ago

Except Americans, they can go to suicide forests to make videos there or even rape underage children and the Japanese wouldn't care because Japan is America's 51st state.


u/[deleted] 1d ago edited 1d ago



u/fluffywabbit88 1d ago

Adult children exists


u/king_john651 1d ago

I'm a child at heart even though I upgraded 10 years ago


u/Spcctral 1d ago

Please never say you are a child at heart in a thread about PDFs ever again lmao


u/icecore 1d ago

Okinawans are Japanese citizens but the main landers don't consider them truly Japanese, allegedly. They were suppose to gain independence after ww2 but the US let Japan keep it in exchange for building military bases on it.


u/Phact-Heckler 1d ago

Someone tell me anything they said was wrong and why it was downvoted?


u/chikochi 1d ago

So what you’re saying is that they should be prosecuted by the letter of the law which is what’s happening here just like US soldiers who get caught raping


u/Its_the_other_tj 1d ago

A long long time ago when I frequented big concerts we'd often come across people that had motorized coolers that they would drive around the parking lots. Those were the people you wanted to pregame with. Just the perfect blend of lazy, nerdy, and enthusiastic.


u/Realistic-Minute5016 1d ago

Japanese newspapers love giving lots of details about crime suspects. They include their age, gender, town of residence and employment status.


u/FortCharles 1d ago

laitimes.com is apparently a Chinese site.


u/Nawnp 1d ago

She's a Chinese citizen so the media will try to bring the Chinese government into it.

Breaking the law is breaking the law still and she should have known better.


u/Which_Bed 1d ago

Funny, when I pointed this out on the Japan sub here, it was the most downvoted comment. People just really want get their anti-China hate on


u/cryo_burned 1d ago

an electric suitcase with a maximum speed of 13 km/h, so it was an electric bicycle (light motorcycle

An electric bicycle that goes slower at it's maximum speed than a person in good shape can jog is considered a light motorcycle?

That law is the real crime here lol. Imagine getting passed up by people on foot then getting a speeding ticket, let alone sent to jail for no license


u/SeanTYH 1d ago

Probably bad translation. Rather than light motorcycle, it should be more of a scooter. Though regardless the law isn’t the issue here.


u/dontmindifididdlydo 1d ago

Rather than light motorcycle, it should be more of a scooter

isn't a scooter.... just a light motorcycle?


u/SeanTYH 1d ago

Probably. But when I hear the word motorcycle, it gives me the impression that it is more powerful than a scooter which doesn’t go as fast


u/[deleted] 1d ago



u/viperabyss 1d ago

Japan's first strike! Chinese woman was prosecuted for riding an electric suitcase on the streets of Osaka

The title focuses on the fact that the woman was Chinese, instead of "a woman who doesn't have license".

Clearly a hit piece trying to drum up nationalism among Chinese.


u/Tactical_Moonstone 1d ago

The domain is also very suspicious as well, like it is intended to confuse users into thinking it is the LA Times.


u/koh_kun 1d ago

If I'm not mistaken, a bunch of Japanese articles mention she's Chinese so it's kind of fair game.


u/viperabyss 1d ago

It's one thing to mention she was a Chinese, and another to highlight it in the title of the article without any context.

It's very clear this article is meant portray her being a racially targeted prosecution to drum up anti-Japanese sentiment among Chinese. Disgusting, really.


u/Valuable_Weather8293 1d ago

Pack it up lady


u/UncleVernonK 1d ago

You’re a bag of laughs!


u/SkankHont 1d ago

Pack the suitcase full of dirty underwear.


u/NeonJungleTiger 1d ago

She’s just trying to recreate that scene from Carol and Tuesday.

She’s doing a pretty good job as well!


u/Crypt0Nihilist 1d ago

An open and shut case.


u/Vile-Father 1d ago

I see what you did there. Updoot achieved.


u/poho110 1d ago

It's like an ugly version of the Honda moto compacto scooter. 



u/doyletyree 1d ago

All I can think of is Bobby Boucher on his ridin’ mower.


u/agprincess 1d ago

What I'm learning is that there's such a thing as an electric suite case and they're faster than I ever expected.


u/Midoriya-Shonen- 1d ago

The case will be sent to court for trial

So not prosecuted? Not even finalized yet. At the most, what, a ticket? Prosecuted is such a strong, clickbait word. What a garbage article title purely intent on outrage clicks.


u/voxelghost 1d ago

The case will be sent to the court for trial, and the final judgment will passed after the judges get to race it around the courthouse

Quoting from memory, accuracy might be a tad off


u/MechCADdie 1d ago

Prosecutors in Japan don't tend to charge in Japan unless they're 99.99% certain they will win.


u/Americrazy 1d ago

Welcome to the world of modern reality outrage capitalism 


u/SirHovaOfBrooklyn 1d ago

Nothing wrong with the word Prosecute. Prosecute means to officially accuse someone of a crime or a delict. So the fact that she will be put on trial means that the prosecutor has prosecuted her because he deems that there is enough evidence to support the filing of a case. Conviction in court is a different thing in itself. PROSECUTION is not equal to CONVICTION.


u/A_Mouse_In_Da_House 1d ago

This is the nottheonion subreddit. Clickbait is what we do


u/shady8x 1d ago

Driving without a license can get you in trouble in Japan. TIL.


u/netsurf916 1d ago

As it can in most countries. In this case, it's amusing that riding luggage counts as driving. Next those shoes with built in wheels will be considered vehicles.


u/advertentlyvertical 1d ago

Seems kinda dumb to need a licence to ride an electric 'vehicle' on a sidewalk that only goes 13 kmh. In ontario we could ride those full on electric mopeds that go 25 kmh as kids without needing a licence, as long as it was kept on a sidewalk.


u/PandaCheese2016 1d ago

Sounds like cops were just bored.


u/MegaAlex 1d ago

Soooo all she or anyone needs is a driving license. ok got it!


u/sixsuspension22 1d ago

Japan just dropped a bombshell! A Chinese woman got busted in Osaka for cruising around on an electric suitcase. Seriously? I mean, who knew that was even a thing? It’s wild how different countries handle these tech quirks.


u/vacuous_comment 1d ago

... bought an electric suitcase on a Chinese online shopping platform in March this year,

That alone should trigger a visit from the police, even without riding it. The battery safety on those things is garbage and impossible to police.


u/FilthyUsedThrowaway 1d ago

Seems like a very Japanese thing to do