r/nottheonion 3d ago

School resource officer accused of using Taser on Selma middle school teacher


52 comments sorted by


u/Elrigoo 3d ago

But why? Also the cop admitted to tasing kids? Isn't this also an incident?


u/SkankHont 3d ago

Quick way to get a cool 250k!


u/SelectiveSanity 2d ago

While on paid administrative leave!

....Oh wait, you were talking about them suing the police department.


u/SkankHont 2d ago

Yes! Some guy just got 150k for being arrested after giving a cop the finger. For tasing it has to be at least double that.


u/beaverattacks 2d ago

God I salivate over taking money from the police for violating free speech


u/SkankHont 2d ago

Technically it's taken from tax payers... My local police department manages to spend a little over 1b per year. Where it goes, nobody knows.


u/beaverattacks 2d ago

The tax payers' money is better in my pocket than buying surplus military jackboots for pigs


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u/Good_Nyborg 3d ago

Tavarez responded by saying that she did not do it "full force," and that she had "Tased kids around here and they don't act like that."

The teacher asked Tavarez if she used the Taser on any middle school kids, Tavarez responded, "the ones that know their parents,” according to the warrant.

Truly one of Selma's finest.


u/Lord_Snaps 2d ago

What does "the ones that know their parents,” even mean? Is it a dog whistle for not the black kids?


u/ShitFuck2000 2d ago

Holy shit, I thought it was a grammar mistake for kids whose parents they know…


u/Lord_Snaps 2d ago

I hope that is the case, but it is a former cop who thinks tazing people for a laugh is okay


u/cheyenne_sky 2d ago

sometimes racism is so racist it truly baffles me, like I feel like I'd never have guessed that on my own just because I couldn't do the mental gymnastics required. I was like, "so if they know their parents, that means the parents are disciplinarians and/or cool with their kid getting tazed??"


u/SelectiveSanity 2d ago

(Sees picture. Reads comment)

To paraphrase Team Four Star; "That thing's a gal?!"


u/questformaps 2d ago

Folks, here is an example of why the anti-trans/bathroom bills are flawed and will also inflict damage to cis women for not being "feminine enough", or a fantasy of a "woman", and will be assaulted for using the "correct" bathroom.


u/SelectiveSanity 2d ago edited 2d ago

I had taken a quick look at the pic and assumed the officer was male based on the short hair and when you usually hear about stories like this it's a male officer who's caught.

I apologize if I offended anyone.


u/questformaps 2d ago

"I apologize if I offended anyone" is not an apology, it's a narcissistic cop out.


u/SelectiveSanity 2d ago

No, its being an adult. I fucked up, and I owned up to it.


u/[deleted] 2d ago



u/SelectiveSanity 2d ago edited 2d ago

Trash would defend their actions. I stated where the idea for the comment came from and apologized. I know I'm in the wrong here.


u/MechanicalHorse 2d ago

resource officer

As a Canadian this is confusing as fuck. Why the hell is a cop called a “resource officer”? Is that just some shitty euphemism to cope with the fact that schools need to have fucking cops in them?


u/wp998906 2d ago edited 2d ago

Don't forget that this "resource" can cost 100k+/yr.


u/gdsmithtx 2d ago

That is correct


u/adipenguingg 2d ago

Unfortunately, we had one in my Canadian high school. The trend has crossed the border


u/n33dwat3r 2d ago

It's part of the school-to-prison pipeline. Have to make sure that the prisons meet their contracts for prisoners in beds.


u/SuperSwamper69 2d ago

We have em up here too, bud. At least in the barren wasteland known as “Skatchawin”.


u/TheLizardKing89 2d ago

It’s a police officer that’s specifically assigned to a school as opposed to one who just happens to respond to a call at a school.


u/yaosio 2d ago

The cops create slave resources for prisons which makes them a resource officer.


u/SimpleSurrup 2d ago edited 2d ago

It's not that they "need" to have cops, it's that if a teacher touches any student their parents will try to sue, the school will probably settle, and they'll be fired. The kids realized this, and they realized they could do whatever they want and nobody was allowed to intervene.

You can't really effectively sue the cops for anything though, so this is the compromise. They get someone immune from lawsuits to do the touching. The cops realized this, so they're mostly hyper-violent in all their responses to anything.

So our solution was: to stop an unaccountable kid, hire an unaccountable bully.


u/pinetrees23 2d ago

Cops don't belong in schools


u/ShaneBarnstormer 2d ago

A Brevard County "resource officer" was bragging about Baker Acting kids who step out of line. Another BC RO provoked an autistic youth by grabbing their belongings from their hands and throwing it into the parking lot. You're right, cops don't belong in schools.


u/LurkerOrHydralisk 2d ago

They’re often school bullies who get too old for school and want a job where they can keep being a bully.

Sending them back to school is a special kind of cruel to the kids who encounter them


u/WakaFlockaFlav 2d ago

Fucking Brevard County. The new cops in schools policies there are disgusting.


u/ShaneBarnstormer 2d ago

The kindest things about Brevard are said by people who don't live here.


u/WakaFlockaFlav 2d ago

Trying to get family out right now. I have a lot of love in my heart for the location, the nature, the history. At the same time, however; it's not the place I grew up anymore. I can't recognize it.

It breaks my fucking heart.


u/where_is_the_cheese 2d ago

Sounds like those cops don't belong anywhere.


u/internet_tray 2d ago

There is a SRO where I work. He is super weird. He is the only person at the school not employed by the school district. He basically has no oversight. He has some of the most inappropriate relationships with students. He typically has 3-4 of the girls that I would at first the “mean girls” archetype. They are in his office all the time door opened and closed it’s really weird.


u/Infallible_Ibex 2d ago

It's a shitty solution to schools not being able/willing to expel troublemakers and anyone violent. The district can't "leave them behind" and then needs security for the dangerous situation they create for themselves by not prioritizing the well behaved students who actually have a chance of learning something.


u/DauOfFlyingTiger 2d ago edited 2d ago

Cops shouldn’t have tasers. And a resource officer is rarely a cop. They are like a security guard. Cops are expensive. I stand corrected! I was totally wrong. I was told this by a High School principal. Yikes. Apologies.


u/WhiskyEye 2d ago

School resource offices are almost always cops. At least in the United States public schools.


u/atlasraven 2d ago

Increasingly not police but private security contracts. The resource officers do have to take BLET just like Police.


u/DomDomW 2d ago

only people with the right training (that includes avoiding escalation) should be handed any kind of weapon.


u/pinetrees23 2d ago

SROs are fucking cops, where did you hear they aren't?


u/Canibuz11 3d ago

Don't tase me bro


u/FixedLoad 2d ago

Ahh that takes me back to a simpler time.  The outrage was much more palatable back then...  


u/Treeka215 2d ago

A cop tased a kid at my school. Staff and students were upset the next day, but nothing happened.


u/faustpanzer 1d ago

Sounds about on par for that fucking dump, shit people and shit town.


u/Mestoph 2d ago

Not Onion-y in the slightest...


u/MasterDoctorWizard 2d ago

I hope he pisses off some early puberty kid and just gets his shit rocked.


u/Losingestloser 2d ago

That’s… a woman…. The article also uses she/her pronouns.


u/will0593 2d ago

She's a woman