r/nottheonion 3d ago

Alabama town's first Black mayor, who had been locked out of office, will return under settlement


69 comments sorted by


u/my__name__is 3d ago

has a mayor-council government but has not held elections for six decades. Instead, town officials were “hand-me-down” positions with the mayor appointing a successor

Hah, what the fuck. LARPing monarchy.


u/MegaAscension 3d ago

I wonder what happened six decades ago… oh yeah, they’ve literally tried to avoid following the Civil Rights Act and the Voting Rights Act…


u/Rivegauche610 3d ago

Because Klanabama


u/JustScrollinAndSht 2d ago

This is the kind of shit we’re talking about when we say systemic racism still exists on every level of government.


u/JulietteKatze 3d ago

What do you think the inbreeding was for?


u/mamamaMONSTERJAMMM 3d ago



u/futureformerteacher 2d ago

Plus, you know, no one else would have sex with them.


u/kmikek 2d ago

If it's good enough for the Holy Roman Empire and the Hapsburgs


u/Hoffi1 2d ago

The HRE emperor was elected.


u/oxwof 2d ago

But those elections were usually pro forma after the 13th century, nearly always going to a Habsburg.


u/Hoffi1 2d ago

But the nearly part shows that the process was more democratic than the situation in Newbern. Even though only 7 people were allowed to cast a vote.


u/kmikek 2d ago

Who was allowed to run for election?  Who was not allowed to run for election?  


u/Predator_Hicks 2d ago

You had to be not younger than 18 years old and noble


u/kmikek 2d ago

And then besides emperor theres the royal families, arranged, incestuous, and a lot of them uncle to niece


u/Nazamroth 2d ago

For the win.


u/cowchunk 2d ago

“Small town city council has had a stranglehold over leadership for generations in order to enforce a white supremacist pseudo-monarchy” is so absurdly racist it sounds like it would be the plot of a Blaxploitation movie.


u/futureformerteacher 2d ago

LARPing Trumpistan


u/WeAreLivinTheLife 3d ago

"Newbern, a tiny town of 133 people about 40 miles (64 kilometers) west of Selma, has a mayor-council government but has not held elections for six decades. Instead, town officials were “hand-me-down” positions with the mayor appointing a successor and the successor appointing council members, according to the lawsuit filed by Braxton and others. That practice resulted in an overwhelmingly white government in a town where Black residents outnumber white residents by a 2-1 margin."

"South Africa" much, Newbern?


u/cesarmac 3d ago edited 3d ago

Newbern, a tiny town of 133 people

where Black residents outnumber white residents by a 2-1 margin."

So....if I were to assume only black and white folks that's roughly 44 white people compared to 88 black people. All government was basically all white and shared between 44 people.

EDIT: also, if this isn't the perfect example of systemic racism I don't know what is.


u/thieh 3d ago

"They don't discriminate. It's not like just any other white folks can get in because there weren't any elections since 1965." - backroom conversation among defendants' legal team, allegedly


u/texasradioandthebigb 2d ago

I'm sure I don't know what you're talking about. According to the Hon'ble Supreme Court of the USA, presided over by the Hon'ble Chief Justice John Roberts, attended upon by his Hon'ble lackeys, voting rights violations are a thing of the past, and civil rights legislation should be dismantled forthwith


u/xShooK 3d ago

With all this blatant corruption, I'd higher some type of accountant to look through the town's financial situation.


u/Zathura2 2d ago

And is there no federal agency that would be interested in a town who handed out government positions instead of electing them? Or is that fine because it's a small bumfuck town?

Is there anything like impersonating a government employee, like there is for impersonating police?


u/daddyjohns 3d ago

Bless your heart, you think alabama was ever better than south africa?


u/Aidian 2d ago

Of course it was, you’re blatantly misrepresenting Alabama’s history.

You’re right following 1702 or so, but before that


u/daddyjohns 2d ago

I beg your pardon. I was born and raised and escaped from Alabama. I'm brutally honest about the culture and lifestyle. 

Peoples like yourself, they don't like when i say the quiet parts out loud.


u/Aidian 2d ago

Hey, I think we got crossed wires here.

My joke was that Alabama was discovered by Europeans in 1699 and initially settled in 1702, so everything before that was better and everything after that has been varying levels of bad.


u/Dchella 2d ago

Did you escape from South Africa too? Otherwise that comparison is still as stupid.


u/daddyjohns 2d ago

I don't believe arguing about whether south africa or alabama is more racist beneficial to mankind. Have a nice day.


u/WateronRocks 2d ago

Then why was that exactly what your first and subsequent comments were doing? Lmao

Bless your heart, you think alabama was ever better than south africa? 

This is you. Genius.


u/daddyjohns 2d ago

You were too tiresome to continue to bother with.


u/WateronRocks 2d ago

Ha you think I'm the same person.


u/SphericalBastard 2d ago

Ladies and gentlemen, behold the fruit of Alabama's education system


u/Chromotron 2d ago

All that "freedom" and "democracy" in the US...


u/Puidwen 7h ago

"South Africa" much, Newbern?

I think more like feudal. Even if they limited who run at least south africa had elections. For that matter even russia at least pretends to have elections even if everyone knows who's going to win.


u/TheRauk 2d ago

Apartheid much would be a better analogy. I don’t think anyone wants to be compared to South Africa these days.


u/[deleted] 3d ago



u/MrTulaJitt 1d ago

Just had to let everyone know you didn't pay attention in school, huh?


u/SweatyTax4669 3d ago

Why aren't the talking heads on Fox making noise about this truly stolen election?


u/thieh 3d ago

They weren't accustomed to having elections since 1965.


u/omgFWTbear 3d ago

Just another example of the woke mob forcing their gay space laser death tax on the rightful job someone earned by having the correct last name!!!!



u/hackingdreams 3d ago

They stole it from a black man, so it's okay.


u/Ok-Seaworthiness4488 2d ago

Can't steal what didn't take place


u/Echo_Romeo571 2d ago

Can’t steal what doesn’t exist! Loophole!


u/CurrentlyLucid 3d ago

Fairly blatant in Alabama.


u/SpecialK022 3d ago

Only in Alabama. And possibly Mississippi


u/Jsotter11 3d ago

Stares at Jackson …definitely also.


u/Rivegauche610 3d ago

I was in Grenada once. Leaving was a real pleasure.


u/paco_dasota 3d ago

and probably Louisiana


u/Jarsky2 3d ago

Definitely Arkansas


u/tay450 3d ago

The white supremacists of the south aren't going to like this..


u/Rivegauche610 3d ago

Once they stop grunting, screeching and drooling…


u/Malphos101 3d ago

The Newbern city council positions will be filled either by appointment or special election. Braxton will submit names for Alabama Gov. Kay Ivey, a Republican, to appoint. If the appointments are not made, a special election will be held to fill the positions.

Governor Meemaw will decide a "fair compromise" of half duly appointed positions by the duly elected black mayor, and half white supremacist insurrectionists who subverted the electorate's will.

Sick and tired of this "democracy means letting fascists have half the power too" bullshit.


u/Koolaidolio 3d ago

Alabummer as usual.


u/UseDaSchwartz 3d ago

Kinda seems like everyone involved should be in prison.


u/Crispien 3d ago

Sounds to me like the town government was looking at being charged with Federal Civil Rights violations. Scared of prison is the only way people like that settle and give up everything.


u/texasradioandthebigb 2d ago

Fuck it. Send in the 101st again


u/Rivegauche610 3d ago

Klanabama. Because of course it is.


u/CheeseSandwich 2d ago

Why did this require a "settlement"?


u/Several_Emphasis_434 2d ago

Because of racist assholes.


u/daddyjohns 3d ago

This isn't satirical or funny


u/PostsNDPStuff 3d ago

Well, funny, but not "ha-ha" funny. 


u/Intrepid00 3d ago

That’s why you are on /r/NOTtheonion.


u/daddyjohns 3d ago

that's not how this works


u/Cthaza 3d ago

The sub description says "for true stories you could have sworn were from the onion"


u/27Rench27 3d ago

It’s fucking Alabama, I’d be more surprised actually reading this headline from The Onion lmao


u/daddyjohns 3d ago

Yeah. I'm from alabama. I left cuz this is on brand.


u/rdldr1 2d ago

Incest state.


u/Charlie2and4 2d ago

32 teeth in a jawbone, Alabama's asking for none.