r/news 4d ago

Steve Bannon must report to prison by Monday after Supreme Court rejects last-minute appeal


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u/EntropyFighter 4d ago

As if it didn't happen yesterday and today.

Yesterday: Supreme Court legalizes bribery

Today: Supreme Court claims final authority for all decisions via the Chevron decision.

This is from Supreme Court Justice Elana Kagen's dissent:

Today, the majority does not respect that judgment. It gives courts the power to make all manner of scientific and technical judgments. It gives courts the power to make all manner of policy calls, including about how to weigh competing goods and values. (See Chevron itself.) It puts courts at the apex of the administrative process as to every conceivable subject—because there are always gaps and ambiguities in regulatory statutes, and often of great import. What actions can be taken to address climate change or other environmental challenges? What will the Nation’s health-care system look like in the coming decades? Or the financial or transportation systems? What rules are going to constrain the development of A.I.? In every sphere of current or future federal regulation, expect courts from now on to play a commanding role. It is not a role Congress has given to them, in the APA or any other statute. It is a role this Court has now claimed for itself, as well as for other judges.


u/MalcolmLinair 4d ago

Legitimately the biggest and most blatant power grab since Marshal gave the Court the power of Judicial Review in the first place.


u/Podo13 3d ago

Hilarious that the hardcore Republicans will blame democrats for the country going down the toilet when it's their side of the legislative branch stopping the branch from actually legislating and the judicial branch was underhandedly given an enormous bias by the executive branch they loved so much.

Easily one of the biggest "you reap what you sow" or "what did you think was going to happen" moments.


u/ComptrollerMcCheeze 3d ago

Republican endgame is for the country to be destroyed.....that way they can rebuild it the way they always wanted.