r/news 4d ago

Steve Bannon must report to prison by Monday after Supreme Court rejects last-minute appeal


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u/Bawbawian 4d ago

isn't it great how rich well connected dudes can just show up to prison whenever.

if this was me or you they would have kicked in our door and shot our dog before dragging us out in our underwear.


u/GeriatricusMaximus 4d ago

No. It depends on the crime you have been convicted of. Same treatment for regular folks.


u/brockington 4d ago edited 3d ago

You're right that Bannon is getting typical treatment for white-collar crimes, but it's still wild that's how it works.

You steal $100 from Walmart? You're going to jail the day you are sentenced, appeals or not.

You refuse to show up after a congressional subpoena for your participation in trying to destroy American democracy? Yeah, take a month to get your affairs straight, and we'll just let you hang out until your appeal is ruled on.


u/GeriatricusMaximus 3d ago

Isn’t he going in jail for contempt of Congress? The wall scam trial is later, no?


u/brockington 3d ago

Yep, you're right. I'll adjust my analogy.


u/Sepof 3d ago

That's not even remotely true lol.

I've gone to jail for small crimes.

It is very rare to be immediately taken into custody. I was always given lime 6mo to a year to choose when to serve my time.