r/news 4d ago

Steve Bannon must report to prison by Monday after Supreme Court rejects last-minute appeal


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u/QAPetePrime 4d ago

This is what happens when you have a corrupt Supreme Court. We live in very dangerous times, perhaps the last in an America we even recognize.


u/Skellum 4d ago

Imagine if people had voted in 2016. Some are absurdly considering not voting in 2024.


u/gallifrey_ 4d ago

recall who won the popular vote -- people did vote. and where did it get us?

i'm patiently waiting for folks to adopt a more kinetic approach to politics.


u/Raichu4u 4d ago

Lots of people in swing states did not vote.


u/that_baddest_dude 3d ago

At what point can you lay the blame on an incompetent campaign?


u/Raichu4u 3d ago

As a diehard Bernie supporter in 2016, looking back, the options for not voting for Clinton are pretty stupid and full of tantrums that basically amount to "YOU MADE ME DO THIS".


u/Different-Music4367 3d ago

"Bernie supporters" having anything to do with Clinton's loss is classic Democratic National Party spin and revisionism as a way to fault anyone but themselves. Biden, for all of his faults, ran on a far more progressive platform in 2020 than Clinton ever did. In 2016 the Democrats played their classic game of losing by running to the center, with a candidate that was generationally disliked in much of the country, in a post-Obama world where the center had collapsed.

Establishment democrats were deluded about the bankability of Clinton in 2016, and now they are suddenly panicking about an 82-year old Biden, when every incoherent interview he has given for the last half year has let everyone paying attention know exactly how the debate was going to go down. In both cases they have willingly saddled themselves with the candidate most vulnerable to Trump. They have no one to blame for this mess but themselves.


u/Raichu4u 3d ago

Bernie supporters for the most part have lined up rank and file to vote for the eventual winner of the nomination. That is not the rhetoric I am on about. Most "casual" democratic voters sat out, along with some swing voters. They were the main reason for the loss in 2016.


u/Different-Music4367 3d ago edited 3d ago

1) Voter disinterest is on the candidates and the national party. The main reason for the loss is because the party failed to turn out people for their candidate in key swing states.

2) Voter turnout among democrats and republicans in aggregate dipped by 1% compared to 2012. It's inaccurate to say voters disproportionately "sat out" compared to previous years. This is another excuse propagated by the democratic establishment to pass the blame to the public and away from themselves.


Can't wait when we hear after the election that turnout is the lowest in 20 years and the democratic establishment starts looking to blame "democratic holdouts" for it instead of themselves for not replacing Biden at the DNC.