r/nba Lakers 4d ago

[Clark] "The Pelicans made a push for Dejounte Murray before the trade deadline. They land him now. Lead guard with size who can take some of the creation load off of Zion. New Orleans liked his contract a lot. Owed $25 M, $27 M, $29 M next 3 years."


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u/No-Equipment-20 Lakers 4d ago

West is actual hell next year


u/FireFlyz351 Mavericks 4d ago

I hate it here


u/LoxDnw Thunder 4d ago

Grizz are returning too. Ain't shit to smile about.


u/Whateverman9876543 Heat 4d ago

Plus the Lakers got Bronny. Shit is serious now


u/Due_Incident_9738 Nets 4d ago

& Utah got Kyle Flip, man prayers them bottom seeds


u/henryofclay Lakers 4d ago

Another milf in the west 😈


u/wishwashy 3d ago

She's not a milf tho. Cougar with the hunting for sure


u/Valuable-Baked Celtics 3d ago

Kyle the Super Soaker Flip


u/Play_Durty 4d ago

I wonder when the Lakers don't make the playoffs, who will they blame


u/LakersLAQ Lakers 4d ago

Well it certainly wasn't going to be the other random guy that the Lakers would've gotten instead of Bronny.


u/69cansofcorn Celtics 3d ago

yeah dude who tf needs draft picks? ya’ll are about to sign Wembanyama in free agency


u/pterodactyl_speller 3d ago

Who was the last 55th pick or later on your team?


u/Frigorific Spurs 3d ago

We drafted Manu at 57.


u/Play_Durty 3d ago

Nobody was even thinking about Bronny. Was thinking Reaves or Russell if they're still there


u/Frigorific Spurs 3d ago

I think there is a decent shot they miss it next year. In which case I would hate to be Bronny.


u/Play_Durty 3d ago

2nd round pick can never get the blame. Russell or Reaves


u/swords_devil Lakers 3d ago

you forgot the new coach


u/Play_Durty 3d ago

He will definitely get the blame too


u/kingofsemantics Knicks 4d ago

Lebron can pass the mantle to his own flesh and blood 💪🏾💪🏾


u/Lil-CBD Timberwolves 4d ago

Glad we might be going to the East in a few years


u/69cansofcorn Celtics 3d ago

but how will the Heat claw their way to the 8th seed every year then?


u/preddevils6 Grizzlies 4d ago

The most eastern team in the most eastern state will. Which is us.


u/TableFucker75 4d ago

You're fine in the West.


u/Winnes0ta :sp8-1: Super 8 4d ago edited 4d ago

The team that would reduce travel the most by going east will move. That’s the Timberwolves. There are six east teams closer to Minnesota than the next closest west team. Three of the teams in the wolves’ division aren’t even in the same time zone and one is two time zones over.


u/CMYGQZ Grizzlies 4d ago

Why is that the mindset? The East should be the 16 most East teams, not the 15 most East teams and a West team that’s closest to the 15. If that’s the case you might as well rename the 2 conference to conference 1 and conference 2 if it’s distance to other teams that’s the difference maker not East vs West.


u/Egg_Yolkeo55 Thunder 4d ago

Memphis is culturally and logistically tied to the western teams moreso than Minnesota is to Eastern teams. Minnesota rivalries are all eastern teams such as Chicago, and Detroit. It has very little to do with geography, otherwise Portland and OKC wouldn't be in the same division.


u/CMYGQZ Grizzlies 4d ago

I disagree. It’s the Eastern Conference and Western Conference, not Closer Tied to the Rest of the Eastern Conference and Closer Tied to the Rest of the Western Conference. Again, what makes you East or West, is, surprise surprise, whether you’re East or West.


u/Egg_Yolkeo55 Thunder 4d ago

Sports have never been about geography dude. The Indianapolis colts are in the AFC South and the Dallas Cowboys are in the NFC East. The Edmonton Oilers and LA Kings are in the same division in hockey. OKC, Minnesota and Portland are all in the same division. It literally does not matter. It is about rivalries and ratings. And Minnesota rivalries are older than Memphis having professional sports.


u/CMYGQZ Grizzlies 4d ago

Yeah I disagree. Idk why you brought up NFL, they have the 2 teams in the same fucking city in difference conferences lol. And I don’t know why you keeping on bring division. It literally doesn’t matter in NBA. Before they still had division winner automatic top 4 seed, now they abandoned that as well. We’re talking about conferences, East and West. And luckily for us there is a clear metric that exists to measure it. Currently the 15 most East team is in the Eastern Conference, and the 15 most West team is in the Western Conference, and I guarantee you that it’s not a coincidence.

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u/seanconnery69696 Suns 4d ago

Lol don't blame Minnesota (that "lost" their team in a weird ownership swinging trade). Blame Vancouver, who couldn't even keep their ownership/franchise


u/thisguy161 NBA 4d ago

It gets explained every time this is brought up why Minny makes more sense and is more likely.


u/preddevils6 Grizzlies 4d ago

It doesn’t make more sense. We are the most eastern team in the eastern most state that has a large chunk of it in EST.

One thing that gets brought up is traditional MN rivals are in the east. This is also true for Memphis and for the state of Tennessee.

The other big point is travel logistics, but it’s fairly close and that doesn’t outweigh the biggest point: the easternmost team in the easternmost state.


u/thisguy161 NBA 3d ago edited 3d ago

You're right. It doesn't make sense you ignore all the good reasoning bc you want your team in the west bc it's easier lol.


u/preddevils6 Grizzlies 3d ago

You haven’t offered anything other than “someone else explains it”

I want them in the east because I live in eastern time in the home state of Memphis, and 10:30 game times fucking suck.


u/podnito Pelicans 3d ago

This is the map that makes it clear why it should be the Timberwolves


u/preddevils6 Grizzlies 3d ago

That map makes it clear it should be us. We are far from west teams and closest to ATL, and as you can see in that map, we are the most eastern team in the most eastern state.

Half our state is even eastern time, so from a ratings standpoint it makes WAY more since for us to have 7/8 game times instead of 9/10.


u/[deleted] 3d ago



u/upanddownallaround Pelicans 3d ago edited 3d ago

Uhh, check the math. There are 30 teams. 15 in each conference. You add 2 teams to the west. 15/17. So 1 (not 2) of the west teams goes to the east. 16 teams in each conference.

It'll obviously be Minnesota because of the travel.


u/Confident-Fish2805 Timberwolves 4d ago edited 4d ago

You guys are closer to most western conference teams and all of the of the normal mn sports rivals are in the east.


u/henryofclay Lakers 4d ago

Exactly, travel is quick to all the southwest teams (TX, OKC, NO)


u/preddevils6 Grizzlies 4d ago

Our normal rivals are all in the east as well. And we are the easternmost team.


u/Troll_Enthusiast Wizards 4d ago

Pretty sure the Grizz will go East


u/devinbookersuncle 4d ago

Two teams get added so Minnesota might actually get moved over


u/Itunes4MM Pistons 4d ago

Only one team will go east with two expansions


u/devinbookersuncle 4d ago

Yeah you're right, I forget that part


u/Troll_Enthusiast Wizards 4d ago



u/Mtbnz 3d ago

Somehow this comment led me to the discovery that Steven Adams was traded to the Rockets back in Feb. I hope he can make a comeback this season. Amazingly, he's still only 30 years old!


u/BounceMan Rockets 4d ago

Oh shush you just won it.  Now us finishing 11th when we would have been in the Play In the East... yeah I hate it here.


u/Dfrmdabeach7 4d ago

We just won the West I swear Mavs fans are the most pessimistic losers ever! We have at worst the second best player in the world just got rid of a guy who sucked on D and was so bad offensively he fell out of rotation, and replaced him with a better version of Josh Green on both sides of the ball! We are unbelievably young and guys like D Live,Hardy,and PJ are expected to make leaps next season. We still aren’t done,have moves to make,in Nico we trust!

The West is never easy we don’t have the luxury of playing in a conference with 2 legit threats. It’s always going to be atleast 8 deep in teams that can realistically make it out of the conference,but man I love where we stand in the war compared to a few years ago especially


u/Billis- Raptors 4d ago

Lively is gonna be such a solid starter as the years go on. Fits so well with Luka too


u/Dfrmdabeach7 4d ago

Hell yea. What an outstanding unexpected awesome rookie year for Lively man. Third most important player,on a Western Conference championship 3 wins away from a NBA title in year #1!!!


u/Billis- Raptors 3d ago

Yep, you guys have lots to look forward to. Even moving forward with just Luka and Lively is a pretty good set up.

Be interesting if they could sign a big free agent in the next couple years. Id personally move off of Kyrie but that's me


u/LabelRed [UTA] Lauri Markkanen 4d ago

bang of a song