r/nba Lakers 4d ago

[Wojnarowski] Dallas has traded Tim Hardaway Jr. and three second-round picks to Detroit for Quentin Grimes, sources tell ESPN. News


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u/wcooper97 [OKC] Russell Westbrook 4d ago

Damn, who will Jason Kidd give minutes to now that causes Mavs fans to have a heart attack?


u/Afraid-Department-35 Mavericks 4d ago

Dwight Powell is inevitable.......


u/olfactoid Mavericks 4d ago

When will I learn? I was half paying attention to our 58th pick during the draft yesterday and missed the analysts mentioning the ajinca trade. It was really confusing to hear the analyst talk about the knicks after the pick was announced, but I wrote it off and felt a moment of sadness/optimism about our apparent new third string center.


u/WasDavid Celtics 4d ago

The cockroach.


u/mikesh8rp Knicks 4d ago

Can't be a good sign that as I write this, four different Mavericks fans have responded with different players.


u/Justgotbannedlol Mavericks 4d ago

It may not seem like it cuz our record generally overperformed, but man some people on this team got some bad, BAD minutes in the last 5 years.


u/ivarokosbitch Mavericks 3d ago

Every single team in the league has 5 to 10 players like this by virtue of basic roster construction.


u/tweenalibi Pistons 4d ago

Quentin Grimes lol


u/Panfriedpuppies Mavericks 4d ago

My boy Josh Green.


u/Sw3atyGoalz Lakers 4d ago

Josh Green has some boneheaded moments but he’s still a great role player imo


u/Panfriedpuppies Mavericks 4d ago

Yeah, he's definitely not bad. I feel like he lacks confidence sometimes and hesitates, which contributes to those moments. He's still got room to grow, though.


u/segson9 Mavericks 4d ago



u/NeptuneOW Mavericks 4d ago

Hardy, Exum, and Green.


u/bomonty18 Mavericks 4d ago

Hardy had some solid performances during this playoff run. His biggest issue was his inexperience going in and trying to jack up some dumb ass shots. Think he can become a valuable piece once he calms down and being in the biggest stage this past year will help with that a lot.

Also, what the fuck do I know 😂


u/--Alix-- Mavericks 4d ago

Who knows honestly

Hardy was unaffected by the big stage which is nice, but man his bad plays were really bad.


u/Nubras Timberwolves 4d ago

Yeah for a few minutes he was going bucket for bucket with Ant and then somehow the wheels fell off and he started slinging errant-ass passes and taking wildly unnecessary shots. Love that type of trick or treat player on the opposing team


u/Millionaire007 [DAL] Dirk Nowitzki 4d ago

He literally had me confused when he was running in like that. Do they not teach pull ups anymore?


u/bomonty18 Mavericks 4d ago

I think it was a combination of over excitement and inexperience


u/DangerZoneh Mavericks 4d ago

Tf you mean all three of those guys are awesome for us


u/jnightrain Mavericks 4d ago

agreed, never felt bad when they went in but when THJ when in i was certain he was going to take constant "heat check" shots regardless if he was making shots or not.


u/NeptuneOW Mavericks 4d ago

I didn’t finish reading the question, that’s my bad


u/dmavs11 Mavericks 4d ago

Come on now all 3 of those guys played decent last year. Give them a year. we just needed a bit too much from them last season.


u/NeptuneOW Mavericks 4d ago

I didn’t read the entire question, my bad. I love all three players


u/IMKudaimi123 Bulls 4d ago

Hardy is sliding into the thj role


u/NeptuneOW Mavericks 4d ago



u/EastTexasAg Mavericks 4d ago

You must not watch much basketball. The salaries and roles are perfect.

Those guys are around the 6th-10th best on our roster that is improving... They average like 10 min a game. Lol


u/NeptuneOW Mavericks 4d ago

I didn’t read the whole question. I love all three of those players, especially Hardy and Green. I really like their game and can see Hardy being a 6MOTY candidate in the future


u/mvnvel [DAL] Peja Stojaković 4d ago

Can’t believe I’m saying this, but I have faith Kidd will actually make some good more sensible decisions.


u/Der_Dunkinmeister Mavericks 4d ago

Maxi - dude is washed


u/MissileWaster Mavericks 4d ago

The NBA finals is probably the wrong time to try and see if you can get Maxi hot from 3.


u/Millionaire007 [DAL] Dirk Nowitzki 4d ago

11 different rotations in a fucking finals game smh. Fucking Kidd, fucking Kidd.


u/Someonediffernt [PHO] Deandre Ayton 4d ago

Quentin Grimes, he had a field goal percentage of 37.2% last year


u/FarMobile4219 4d ago

Career 37% from 3 and spot up shooters like him get some of the best looks in the league playing off Luka. If DJJ can turn into a respectable shooter in Dallas I’m not at all worried about Grimes


u/wcooper97 [OKC] Russell Westbrook 4d ago

I wouldn't be worried either, Grimes will probably shoot 55% from 3 against us in a playoff series next year.