r/mildlyinteresting Jul 25 '22

A scorpion drinking the condensation off of my beverage [OC] Quality Post

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u/Warhawk2052 Jul 25 '22

a centipede crawling over your body while you sleep


u/[deleted] Jul 25 '22



u/ZoeyKaisar Jul 25 '22

House centipedes are actually kinda cool if you look closely at them- they’re sort of like a grasshopper someone copy-pasted a bunch in photoshop.

Meanwhile, a hobo spider fell on my desk while I was getting finished with work today and scared the shit out of me.


u/Captain_Sacktap Jul 25 '22

I like house centipedes, they’re lightning fast little kill machines that hunt roaches and other pests.


u/theBytemeister Jul 25 '22

The also have a bunch of stripes and cute lil' faces. If you've got house centipedes in your basement, you have nothing to fear, they kill most of the real scary and annoying stuff.

If you have scolopendra in the basement... Probably best to just burn down the entire block


u/tehlemmings Jul 25 '22

I have a rule with house centipedes. If they're in the basement, they get to live. They eat those cellar bugs that I always have problems with. But if I ever catch you hanging out on the ceiling directly above my office chair, I'm going to spend the next hour and a half chasing you down.

Also, stay off the kitchen counters, my desk, and away from the rug in the shower. The last one isn't really because I have a problem with them in the bathroom (the windows suck, so that's usually where they get into my house), but because I end up squishing them by mistake =(

I usually just catch them and put them back out in the garden. But they always become a problem for me in the fall as it starts to get cold out.