r/mildlyinteresting Jul 25 '22

A scorpion drinking the condensation off of my beverage [OC] Quality Post

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u/SirLucky Jul 25 '22

It’s pretty common to be stung while in bed. They like to hide in the sheets and cuddle.


u/A_lot_of_arachnids Jul 25 '22

I'm in bed reading this....... in Oklahoma......I don't like you.

My username is irrelevant


u/howaboutmimik Jul 25 '22

I’m in bed reading this… in AZ, just moved in, mattress is on the floor, thinking maybe I’ll just go sleep on the kitchen counter tonight


u/[deleted] Jul 25 '22

I'm in AZ too... Found one in the shower, multiple scurrying across the floor in the house, had one climbing up the wall pop out behind my TV one night.. And to top it off, I was laying on the couch watching TV and one crawled right onto my chest. My wife noticed it when I got up to go talk to her. She was said it looked like a logo on my shirt but she knew that shirt didn't have logos lol. Thankfully I have never been stung. My wife got got once and almost cried lol


u/scandr0id Jul 25 '22

I had one try to cuddle with me in bed. Felt it moving and tried to get away from it to give it some space, but apparently it didn't like that and I got stung.

Then I found out that I'm decently allergic to them and one side of my body blew up lol


u/Wizdad-1000 Jul 25 '22

This sounds like nightmares, all of you that describle these things being inside. Im moving to the arctic. Polar bear migration is easier to handle.