r/mildlyinteresting Jul 25 '22

A scorpion drinking the condensation off of my beverage [OC] Quality Post

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u/coolmanjack Jul 25 '22

Are scorpions common in Oklahoma?


u/selddir_ Jul 25 '22

Born and raised in SE Oklahoma and they're quite common down there. I got stung twice by one hiding on my bath towel once. It got me in both thighs but missed the jewels luckily.

It felt like somebody grabbed a needle out of a fire and jammed it into my legs. Would not recommend.


u/krazedandconfused Jul 25 '22

I got stung by a yellowjacket yesterday, and your description is exactly how it felt - are scorpion/wasp stings at all comparable in pain? Or am I just a wimp?


u/PM_ME_PSN_CODES-PLS Jul 25 '22

Fuck yellowjackets