r/mildlyinteresting Jul 25 '22

A scorpion drinking the condensation off of my beverage [OC] Quality Post

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u/smugmisswoodhouse appeal completed Jul 25 '22

Cute, but I've been stung before, so I do feel compelled to warn you that you're in for a world of hurt if that thing jabs you. Sadly, one was hiding in my bed one night and thought I was trying to mess with him. Very, very painful.


u/Ima_Fuck_Yo_Butt Jul 25 '22

I've been stung twice by those little fuckers. Once while sleeping in my bed. It's three days of shaky vision, poor fine-motor control, cocaine-numb facial features, and pain that ping-pongs around the body.

Glad I don't live in AZ anymore.


u/[deleted] Jul 25 '22



u/Ima_Fuck_Yo_Butt Jul 25 '22

Yeah, it's a bark scorpion. And yes.

It was like three AM and I remember half waking up to scratch at my right side and then fell back asleep. Just a minute or so after, I had a sudden, blinding white pain in my side that felt like I got hit with a baseball bat of electricity and fire.

I shot up immediately and knew I'd been stung by something. Because nothing else in my life felt like that before.

I tossed back the sheets and said "PLEASE don't be a black widow!" and it was a little scorpion. I was okay, cool. I can deal with this.

I grabbed a cup off my nightstand, scooped it up, and tossed it outside.

Called poison control and they said "You can go to the hospital if you want, but they're not really going to do anything for you. But you know, if your throat starts to swell up, then definitely go."

"Ummm, okay... Thanks?"

"And whatever you do, don't put ice on the sting site."

"Uh huh. Got it. Anything else?"

"Yes. The pain is going to wander around you body."


"Give us a call back if you need any more help."

"Yep. Thanks."

And she was right. Idk what the deal with the ice was, but the pain bounced around my body like a little ball of misery. My vision would shake like I was sitting on top of the world's largest vibrating cellphone when I tried to focus on something like text on paper. My penmanship went all parkinson's-y. And my face was numb and lips tingled.

It was weird as hell and hurt just as much. Decreasing slowly over three days.


u/IN_MY_PLUMS Jul 25 '22

That sounds insane, how was eating??


u/[deleted] Jul 25 '22

Ice could cause the pain to come back in greater intensity when you take it off, but a cold compress can reduce pain and swelling for a bit. It’s a choose your own adventure.


u/BarbequedYeti Jul 25 '22

Yeah they can. I have been stung many times. Last time the bastard got me 4 times before I could get my shirt off that he was in. I hurt for a good 3 - 4 days after that one. Any type of liquid on my tongue felt like super carbonated water, pain everywhere, fever and couldnt sleep for a good 48 hours.

It really just depends. One other time I has tagged it only hurt for 24 or so hours and no other real side effects.

The things are multidimensional and have been around before the dinosaurs. I can live with a lot of things, but damn I hate scorpions.


u/Cyber_Derp Jul 25 '22

It definitely can... I got stung between the toes by one hiding under a shirt on the floor. My entire leg was numb for at least 24-36 hours, foot was numb for a couple more days. 0/10 do not recommend.


u/KingoftheCrackens Jul 25 '22

I think the guy you're responding to got stung by an Arizona bark scorpion, the most venomous in the US. I've been stung by a striped bark scorpion in Texas and it was like pain for 30 minutes and then it throbbed for a few hours.


u/theghostofme Jul 25 '22

The Arizona bark scorpion is the most venomous scorpion in North America. It's rarely fatal (I think there's only like 3 recorded deaths in Arizona history), but it can absolutely cause those symptoms and even require hospitalization if you start having trouble breathing.


u/bumphuckery Jul 25 '22

It does and you really, really wish it didn't as your body feels it's in a furnace.