r/mildlyinteresting Jul 25 '22

A scorpion drinking the condensation off of my beverage [OC] Quality Post

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u/blonderaider21 Jul 25 '22

Better than a brown recluse!


u/A_lot_of_arachnids Jul 25 '22

Now that's just rude!


u/blonderaider21 Jul 25 '22 edited Jul 25 '22

Apparently not everyone reacts badly to them! (edited to add: I’m talking about brown recluses here) Just a small percentage. And I’ve read their jaws aren’t strong enough to bite you, so when you’re “bitten” by them, it’s bc you squished into them and their fangs broke your skin. The more I learn about them the less scary they seem. I grew up in Texas so I’ve heard all about their reputation…which seems to be unwarranted for the most part. Hope that makes you feel better lol.

Edit: okay I just noticed your screen name, are you a fan of spiders? If so, disregard my knowledge drop bc you already knew that lol


u/freemanISfunny Jul 25 '22

While we luckily don't have them where I live, from what I know you can get a good estimate on how dangerous they are but comparing their claws and tail/stinger size. The bigger Thier tail is compared to the claws the more vemonous they are and vice versa.


u/blonderaider21 Jul 25 '22

I was specifically speaking about brown recluses in that comment


u/freemanISfunny Jul 25 '22

Aren't that the name of a spider ?


u/nbd789 Jul 25 '22

Someone will surely correct me if I’m wrong, but I believe scorpions are one of the uncommon cases where if you’re stung or bitten by something, you’re better off if they’re on the larger end of their species. The reason is that an adult scorpion knows it only needs to deliver a modest jolt of venom to deter humans, while a “child” doesn’t know to regulate their venom and it would result in a much more painful sting.


u/Bald_Sasquach Jul 25 '22

I've never heard of different aged scorpions stinging with different venom amounts, but I know that the largest kinds of scorpions can usually hunt with their large front pincers and therefore don't need as strong venom. Smaller species that can't subdue prey the same size as them have to rely on more powerful venom to quickly kill their food.


u/thePonchoKnowsAll Jul 25 '22

Venomous snakes are the same way, juveniles don’t know how to use just enough venom for the job so they end up just using all of their venom every bite. So it’s better to get but by an adult then a juvenile


u/nbd789 Jul 25 '22

I’m not even sure how I knew that. I live where the air hurts my face half the year specifically to not have to know things like that.


u/[deleted] Jul 25 '22


u/thePonchoKnowsAll Jul 25 '22

You know come to think of it I’m not even sure where I picked up my factoid either. Though where I live the air hurts my face for half the year AND i get the pleasure of watching for all sorts of venomous spiders and snakes, luckily no scorpions though.


u/turkeyfox Jul 25 '22

it’s better to get but by an adult then a juvenile

Why would you want to get bitten by an adult and then get bitten by a juvenile?!

(This is my dad joke grammar nazi way of correcting then to than.)


u/thePonchoKnowsAll Jul 25 '22

Sweet sweet release


u/[deleted] Jul 25 '22

Not true, but I do hear this a lot from the misinformed.



u/[deleted] Jul 25 '22

Did you get this from Indiana jones too cause that’s definitely where I heard it


u/SrRoundedbyFools Jul 25 '22

Someone will surely correct me

Some self flagellating mod kicked Unidan off years ago…it used to be something to have Unidan give you the complete 411 insight.