r/mildlyinteresting Jul 25 '22

A scorpion drinking the condensation off of my beverage [OC] Quality Post

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u/selddir_ Jul 25 '22

Born and raised in SE Oklahoma and they're quite common down there. I got stung twice by one hiding on my bath towel once. It got me in both thighs but missed the jewels luckily.

It felt like somebody grabbed a needle out of a fire and jammed it into my legs. Would not recommend.


u/Pikekip Jul 25 '22

Well that’s vivid.


u/krazedandconfused Jul 25 '22

I got stung by a yellowjacket yesterday, and your description is exactly how it felt - are scorpion/wasp stings at all comparable in pain? Or am I just a wimp?


u/PM_ME_PSN_CODES-PLS Jul 25 '22

Fuck yellowjackets


u/Dyran3 Jul 25 '22

I’ve been stung by red wasps and bark scorpions several times in my life (grew up in South Texas. There really is no avoiding them. Bed sheets, bath tubs, shoes, floor, vents, that small space between your car door handle and the door, etc). The stings are comparable. I cant recall whether or not I’ve been stung or bit by a yellow jacket. The ones we have here build nests up high rather than in the ground, so they’re visible and avoidable at least. However, we DO have cicada killers. Those are absolute beasts. Their stingers can be the size of normal wasps.


u/TheLastLunarFlower Jul 26 '22

Cicada killers are huge, but usually pretty chill unless directly threatened. I’ve been stung by paper wasps and yellow jackets occasionally, but never cicada killers, and I work around them frequently.


u/jayhowe Jul 26 '22

I live in NE tx and have managed to avoid both my entire life. I can't recall the last time I saw a scorpion


u/Dyran3 Jul 26 '22

I grew up on mostly undeveloped acreage, so wildlife sorta ran…well..wild. Once we got chickens, the scorpions subsided mostly.


u/selddir_ Jul 25 '22

Since it's something that stings I imagine it's comparable. I haven't been stung by a yellow jacket fortunately (knock on wood).

I've been stung by a sweat bee and it wasn't near as bad as the scorpion.


u/GraybeardTheIrate Jul 25 '22

I've never been stung by a scorpion but yellowjackets suck. I got stung on my ear and my arm about a year ago and it hurt like a bastard for a few hours, felt uncomfortable for another day or so. They can all go straight to hell.


u/Some1Betterer Jul 26 '22

No 2 stings seem to be the same even from the same insect to me (not that I’ve been stung that much). They’re very comparable, though. Very similar sensation to me, and pretty close pain-wise. Location of the sting matters a lot.


u/lookiamapollo Jul 25 '22

How big was the needle?


u/selddir_ Jul 25 '22

The stinger? Idk this happened when I was 16 so it's been about 12 years.

I remember I felt pain on my left thigh first, so I immediately moved the towel and looked down like "what the hell?" I then felt the pain on my right thigh and at this point threw the towel down. It was only when I threw it down that I saw the scorpion and noticed like red vein looking things spreading on my thighs from the stings.

I legit cried and went and got my mom even though I was a 16 year old boy lol. She let me stay home from school so that was cool I guess.