r/mildlyinteresting Jul 25 '22

A scorpion drinking the condensation off of my beverage [OC] Quality Post

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u/coktocok Jul 25 '22

My man, I'm pretty sure that's highly venomous...I'd be careful


u/Jolzeres Jul 25 '22

The inverse law of scorpions. The bigger the scorpion, the safer(less venomous) it tends to be.

(Idk how true that is, i'd probably keep as much space between myself and scorpions of any size tbh)


u/ScarletDarkstar Jul 25 '22

It depends on the type of scorpion, not the individual size. Many types are not dangerous, aside from a painful sting, while a few can be more dangerous. Different species are also different sizes, so since smaller scorpions may me more dangerous than some larger ones, but not within the same species. There are around 2000 species of scorpion, with only 35-ish having strong enough toxins to kill a human.

Younger scorpions may be quicker or more likely to sting, where older (and presumably larger) have learned to be more strategic, avoiding wasted venom and sneaking more effectively. Overall the size may indicate the type, but otherwise isn't relative to the level of danger.


u/EC-Texas Jul 25 '22

Central Texan here. My indoor cats love playing with scorpions, then leave them dead around the house. Are they immune to scorpions?


u/blonderaider21 Jul 25 '22

They can definitely get painful stings from them. My guess is your cats are just batting them quickly before it gets a chance to sting them


u/GrindrWorker Jul 25 '22

Likey, their fur protects them.


u/Diggerinthedark Jul 25 '22

I guess they learn pretty quickly which ones they can fuck with


u/EC-Texas Jul 28 '22

Fortunately, there are no poisonous Scorpions found in Texas.

Huh. Learn something every day.


u/macarena_twerking Jul 25 '22

Cats do tend to be immune to some kinds of venom. Not sure if scorpions are on the list though.


u/[deleted] Jul 25 '22 edited Aug 01 '22



u/Consistent_Couple_49 Jul 25 '22

Umm I never knew this, but my first google search brought me to a list of “smells that can kill”…

Had no idea lillys were so toxic for cats. Thank you.


u/EC-Texas Jul 28 '22

I would have thought that if they got stung, the cats would leave the scorpions alone.

Wait. Can the cats be getting stung but they are not feeling it? Or just not getting stung?