r/mildlyinteresting 4d ago

I recently bought hats and they sent them to me in a plastic pillow

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u/Peptalkguy 3d ago edited 3d ago

Plastic pillow came in a plastic bag with the tracking and shipping info on it, actually!

Edit: it still looked like a pillow from the outside, I'm lucky I didn't pop the bag when I opened it


u/JDBCool 3d ago

Sounds about right.

Like a bubble wrapped plastic bag for small shipping, right?

Ordered a coat once, and it was more or less sent exactly like that. In the manufacturer's plastic packaging. Then wrapped in one of those plastic "abuse resistant" plastic shipping bags. Like the ones Amazon uses for sending DVDs


u/Peptalkguy 3d ago

Nope! It was just a simple thin plastic bag, like amazon might use for some packages. No bubble wrap, probably because it's IN the bubble, lol


u/JDBCool 3d ago

Ha, true! Why pick the bubble wrap plastic bag when it IS the bubble.

Why can't this be shipping standard!

Like yeah, I get that everyone already has vacuum sealers.... but imagine the eco friendly costs on cutting down on bubble wrap!