r/mildlyinteresting 4d ago

I recently bought hats and they sent them to me in a plastic pillow

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u/SEA2COLA 4d ago

Brilliant. This is a hell of a lot better than a refrigerator-sized box filled with packing peanuts or 'air blisters'


u/ked_man 4d ago

Or it came from sea level and OP is a mountaineering westerner that lives atop a high plateau where he ranches his cows. I mean with a hat like that, one has to assume.


u/Dalek_Chaos 4d ago

You know what? I like this explanation, no other will suffice. I declare this as canon forever more!


u/PurrsianGolf 3d ago

Plateaus are the highest form of flattery.


u/Smart-Stupid666 3d ago



u/Fun_Intention9846 3d ago

I also saw that post about ice cream.


u/Sorry_Error3797 3d ago

Which this was probably inside of anyway.


u/Defiant-Caramel1309 3d ago

The reason this does not work to protect items is that the item still bounces around inside of the bubble. The reason you surround items when packing them is to keep them secure in their position so they don't bang around. That being said, with this hat it might be fine since it is not fragile.