r/mildlyinteresting 6d ago

The Emperor of Japan drove past me in Richmond. Quality Post

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u/ReallyNowFellas 6d ago

Is there any historical precedent for the head of a foreign state being spontaneously attacked on a routine peacetime visit to a friendly nation?


u/Agreeable_Ad281 6d ago

Franz Ferdinand?


u/ReallyNowFellas 6d ago

That was a planned attack, and there were major regional tensions at the time. For it to matter whether or not the Emperor's windows were tinted, we have to be talking about someone going about their regular day, suddenly noticing a foreign head of state nearby, and spontaneously deciding to become an assassin.


u/PyroDesu 6d ago edited 6d ago

Oddly it wasn't really all that planned. I mean, it was definitely planned that he was to be assassinated, the Black Hand had organized and armed assassins for it, but Gavrilo Princip was literally just sitting at a cafe across the street from where Ferdinand's motorcade started trying to turn around (and one of them stalled, stopping the rest) because nobody informed the drivers that they'd changed their plans to go see the victims of their earlier attempted assassination via grenade.

Princip literally just walked across the street and shot him and his wife.

EDIT: Seeing as the other party apparently decided to reply and immediately block me, here's my response:

I don't recall reading anything about "between friendly nations" in your prior statements.


u/ReallyNowFellas 6d ago

I'm well aware of what happened; the plan was botched but it was thoroughly planned and it's absurd to say regional relations were friendly at the time. I asked a simple question about any historical precedent for an unplanned assassination between friendly nations, and despite the downvotes, the answer is clearly: there is none.