r/mildlyinteresting 4d ago

My board results displays marks in words uniquely

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u/After_Stretch_2215 4d ago

Love this. Living in germany and you say 1-9 before 10-90 (82 = said as "two and eighty") and even though i'm amazing at maths i still fuck the order up so most of the times when i'm talking about numbers i do it just like that.


u/JohnStern42 4d ago

Ya, saying something like 298 is said: two hundred eight and ninety. And let’s just ignore that million means billion…

Still, the French make it fun too. In French it would be: two hundred four twenties eighteen.


u/Chib 4d ago

Living in the Netherlands, and here it's the same. I teach statistics in Dutch as a non-native speaker, so occasionally it gets weird at the board when I have to concentrate just a little too hard on writing out whatever the students called out.


u/Her_Lovely_Tentacles 3d ago

million does not mean billion, it just uses a different scale, which gets even more confusing the higher you go.

Number  English         German
10^6    1 million       1 Million
10^9    1 billion       1 Milliard
10^12   1 trillion      1 Billion
10^15   1 quadrillion   1 Billiarde
10^16   1 quintillion   1 Trillion

edit: also, this subreddit really does not like the table format...