r/landscaping 6d ago

What would you do with a yard this steep?

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u/Strongcarries 5d ago

I'm not a structural engineer but I've done an exhaustive amount of research, and while a pool is a massive surcharge(excess load on the top of the ground being retained), I think the premise is still similar. My neighbors property is also going to be retained and so it's hard for me to imagine how to terminate my wall, I'd definitely talk to a civil engineer for your county/city when you're ready. Like I said, I'm planning on doing the most expensive stylized wall I can imagine, and in a high cost of living. I cannot imagine that price difference is indicative of the difference in strength, and more the contractor was giving you a fuck you price. Let me know how it goes, though, I'm in the planning phase currently, and while I'm not holding up a pool, it's a few extra feet of soil and a large concrete patio.


u/foxfirek 5d ago

I don’t know where you are but I’m in one of the priciest places- so that doesn’t help. SF Bay Area.


u/Ricki1222 5d ago

Do you mind sharing the length of your retaining wall? I’m in the Bay Area too and mid-remodel so your quote sadly sounds on par with the price of everything around here.


u/foxfirek 5d ago

I’m not sure how long it is, I would guess the relevant part is 50’- 60’. The wall is a lot longer then that but it also starts at like 3’ in my front yard and is fine in the side yard but once it hits the back yard it gets larger and that part is leaning and needs replacing. I don’t think the front would be replaced.