r/landscaping 6d ago

What would you do with a yard this steep?

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u/Fresh_Sector3917 6d ago

A slip and slide might be deadly when it comes to stopping.


u/GoT_Eagles 6d ago

Just plant a couple thorn bushes to cushion the impact.


u/TTT_2k3 6d ago

A brick wall would be a better choice. Small children can slip right under a bush.


u/Torrigon_86 6d ago

Can confirm...sledding through a fucking thorn bush...into..a frozen creek and breaking right through the ice into water. Thankfully, only 1-2 ft deep.

The most miserable, cold ass 1/2 mile walk home. My full-body snow suit did it's best but my boots were fill with water.

It's amazing what triggers childhood memories, haha.