r/landscaping 4d ago

What would you do with a yard this steep?

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u/Beneficial_Mobile972 4d ago

Add a retaining wall and have a level area for a yard, patio, or fire pit.


u/LAjones29 4d ago

As a Landscape Architect this is going to be very pricey and must be designed/ constructed by people who know how to handle that sort of thing. Something this big will require structural input. Not saying it can’t be done but it will be very expensive


u/Delicious_Spinach440 4d ago

I'd be freaking out about drainage and wash. But I had a hill like this behind my house, one day an oak tree slid down it. No real damage, but it was scary

I've seen yards left a flooded mess after hacks landscaped it


u/Slimdawg101 4d ago

this is actually common. if theres trees on a hill and it gets to wet then theyll just give up and slide down the hill. it happens mostly during flooding though, typically a normal rainstorm or thunderstorm wouldnt do that unless the tree was weak.