r/landscaping 6d ago

What would you do with a yard this steep?

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u/gray_um 6d ago

We just did one of these. Small ornamental pond, couple hundred gallons, fed by submersible pump in the lake. Turn it on, and the pond creates a literal river down the hill into the lake. Turn it off and you have a dry riverbed. Works either way. Planted bog plants all around it, looks incredible.


u/DefenestratedBrownie 6d ago

would love pictures if possible, looking at houses right now and one that I loved had a yard like this


u/gray_um 6d ago

Hell, I get downvoted to crap in the subs I usually participate in, then I end up here with hobbyists and I'm appreciated!! I'll take some pics and DM you eventually.


u/Mrpayday1 6d ago

Please post them instead...