r/invinciblegtg Mar 28 '24

Is this event suppose to be blank? glitches

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u/Puzzleheaded-Spend71 Mar 28 '24

Ik what it is but I didn’t exploit


u/varlathor Mar 28 '24

Well the devs say you did


u/mcpizdam1 Mar 28 '24

Yeah they did, and the devs are never wrong. Wait, are we talking about the same devs that made the very easily exploitable event in the first place? Cause if so I might need to revise my earlier statement…


u/varlathor Mar 28 '24

Did you get punished? How long, I'd love to hear :)


u/mcpizdam1 Mar 28 '24

5 days I think it said? Sadder I lost my BB. It’s fine though, I get they felt the need to do something, and I wasn’t that invested in the game anyway. Easier to delete and move on than to get mad about it.


u/varlathor Mar 28 '24

Hell yeah music to my ears :)


u/mcpizdam1 Mar 28 '24

That’s…an odd response? But ok.


u/varlathor Mar 28 '24

I'm a big fan of justice


u/mcpizdam1 Mar 28 '24

Sure justice is good, but you understand that the game isn’t likely to survive this right? Most important thing for an app like this is a large and consistent player base, most of whom are deleting in anger and heading for the hills after this event. That’s why I deleted, not cause I’m mad about the ban, but because I don’t want to hang around and watch the game slowly fizzle out while I get frustrated over what could have been. Now maybe I’m wrong and I’ll be happy to redownload in a year and find it’s still going strong, but I doubt it.


u/varlathor Mar 28 '24

Lol only a small % of players used the exploit. Most aren't on Twitter or discord. The games survival will have absolutely nothing to do with punishing exploiters.

Bye bye!


u/mcpizdam1 Mar 28 '24

Again, happy to be wrong, just seen too many games I enjoyed shut down before their time for me to roll the dice on one I’ve only been playing for a month.

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u/Inviltrumite Mar 28 '24

The most important thing for a game like this is for more players to pay money in the store. Losing exploiters is likely not going to hurt that bottom line in any significant way.

That being said, I'm lucky that I didn't realize the exploit still existed for the BB event, because I would've taken part in it.


u/mcpizdam1 Mar 28 '24

I guess I assume the people who cared enough about the game to learn about exploits were also the ones who cared enough to spend money on it. I mean I’ve bought a bunch of packs since I started playing, and I used the exploit when I heard about it.

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