r/invinciblegtg Mar 28 '24

Is this event suppose to be blank? glitches

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33 comments sorted by


u/kobedziuba Mar 28 '24

It's your punishment man


u/Sammbl Mar 28 '24

bro really thought its a new event


u/Inviltrumite Mar 28 '24

Any exploit for this new exploit sanction event?


u/Repulsive-Unit229 Mar 28 '24

Bruh I got this too 😭😭😭


u/Used_rugs420 Mar 28 '24

Where do you see this? It isn’t telling me when my ops ban ends


u/lilballss69 Mar 28 '24

yeah i saw it at first but then i refreshed the app and couldn’t see it at all anymore


u/Nattorres68 Mar 28 '24

The sanction is disproportionate. they deleted my BB that I had long before the glitch and I can't play for 5 days!!


u/peeshivers243 Earth's Defender Mar 28 '24

How would you get a BB before the glitch when the glitch appeared at the same time as BB?


u/youngmanJ Mar 28 '24

because people could still buy BB without the glitch? i had 2 legit battle beasts bought without any glitch and now they’re both gone and I’m banned for getting like 5 extra tickets from testing out if there even was an exploit lol. shit devs quite simply


u/krautstomp Mar 28 '24

"testing" LMAO


u/youngmanJ Mar 28 '24

yeah man i got a little greedy lol but bro i got like 7 tickets. a lot of other ppl got literal hundreds lmao


u/jahlim Mar 29 '24

Some players reported not getting banned with about 5 tickets exploit. So I don't know how honest you been with your few rounds of testing.


u/youngmanJ Mar 29 '24 edited Mar 29 '24

yeah, i said i got around 7 tickets total, so a little more than 5. there’s def a mousetrap around that number i’d say.


u/Ataurr3133 Mar 28 '24

Same for me but I don't see any gda ops


u/Puzzleheaded-Spend71 Mar 28 '24

What did I do


u/varlathor Mar 28 '24

You don't know what "exploit sanction" means? Lol


u/Puzzleheaded-Spend71 Mar 28 '24

Ik what it is but I didn’t exploit


u/varlathor Mar 28 '24

Well the devs say you did


u/mcpizdam1 Mar 28 '24

Yeah they did, and the devs are never wrong. Wait, are we talking about the same devs that made the very easily exploitable event in the first place? Cause if so I might need to revise my earlier statement…


u/varlathor Mar 28 '24

Did you get punished? How long, I'd love to hear :)


u/mcpizdam1 Mar 28 '24

5 days I think it said? Sadder I lost my BB. It’s fine though, I get they felt the need to do something, and I wasn’t that invested in the game anyway. Easier to delete and move on than to get mad about it.


u/varlathor Mar 28 '24

Hell yeah music to my ears :)


u/mcpizdam1 Mar 28 '24

That’s…an odd response? But ok.


u/varlathor Mar 28 '24

I'm a big fan of justice

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u/lilballss69 Mar 28 '24

did you play the battle beast event? you may have exploited without realising tbh


u/Puzzleheaded-Spend71 Mar 28 '24

Bruh I just realized my battle beasts are gine


u/varlathor Mar 28 '24
