r/inthenews 6d ago

Undecided voters say they now support Joe Biden after debate article


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u/Mundane-Effective269 6d ago

Not hearing enough of this. There’s several who are highly likely to croak or retire in the next few years and the last thing we need is the Cheeto picking their successors.


u/Willdefyyou 6d ago

If trump wins the SCOTUS will have an extreme right wing Christian majority for another 50 years.

That is longer than some of us will be alive...

People, please don't subject us to that because Biden had one poor night... the other guy lied, is insane, and will take this country back into the 1800's


u/Boring-Test5522 6d ago

How come we came into this reality ? Since when we have to choose the lesser evil of both candidates instead of voting for the right leader to lead us out of chaos time ? Both Reps and Dems are looking down on voters with threats "look, you have to vote for ME because the another guy is a bad guy" not because "I am a capable leader who is strong and healthy"


u/[deleted] 6d ago

This. It's fucking embarrassing. I refuse to vote for someone who's actually dying. The DNC did this shit to themselves just like when they stabbed Bernie in the back before 2016 and pushed liberals to not voting or voting red. We've had over a year of discussing that he's too old and not fit enough to run again and everyone just tried to turn it into a joke. It's not a fucking joke. Dude is dying. It's near as embarrassing to have the leader of our nation be someone in his current state as it was to have Trump, and there's no way he'll make 4 years of it. There's no way he's fully in control and command of the nation currently. It was blind stupid hubris to let him run again on his part and the part of the DNC.

I'm not voting for Trump, never have and never will. But I'm not voting for Biden either. I can't in good faith vote for someone in that state as Commander in Chief of even his retirement home.


u/CTC42 6d ago

I understand that you've managed to get yourself in a flap about this, but your vote for Biden is actually a vote for the next potentially 3 supreme court justices, and a vote for the continuation of democratic elections themselves in this country.