r/inthenews 4d ago

Undecided voters say they now support Joe Biden after debate article


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u/Tsizzle4204life 3d ago

Who the fuck was still deciding?


u/alberts_fat_toad 3d ago

Apparently they found some Latino voters who have been living under a rock for the last 10 years and just had it revealed to them last night that Trump is a racist POS.


u/Grizzly352 3d ago

I think you’d be shocked how many Hispanics are going to vote for Trump. Cubans love him


u/Greenmounted 3d ago

So the white ones. Not a surprise


u/Grizzly352 3d ago

The white ones?


u/ctg9101 3d ago

If you support the wrong ideas or people your race changes


u/Grizzly352 3d ago

Lmao I’ll let my Cuban father in law know when I see him tomorrow 🤣


u/ThumbCentral-Rebirth 3d ago

Newsflash: you are the racist


u/henryofclay 3d ago

It’s shocking the amount of latinos that support Trump and hate illegals. Like, how do you not understand? Why do you hate your own kind for seeking a better life?

Perfect example of “once I’m up I’m gonna pull the ladder out from under me”.


u/goldentriever 3d ago

So you think they should want people to get special privileges because they’re a certain race? Yikes.


u/ctg9101 3d ago

Maybe because they got here legally and illegals are skirting the system


u/North_Atmosphere1566 3d ago

Yeah a whopping 11 of them. 

And this has thousands of upvotes on every sub. I low key think it’s a campaign from the right to push Biden to stay in.

The race was close before. Bidens performance was so bad the first thing his campaign said is “he’s not dropping out”. Maybe it’s time?


u/TheRustyBird 3d ago

eh, he sounded fine at the rally he held today. if he had came down with the flu or whatever he should have just pushed back the debate. mans the president, can literally make up just about any excuse he wants to push back something like that.

"blah blah national security demands, got to push it back" "i took a gamble on some new chinese restaurant for lunch and lost" "fuck you i'm the president"


u/Technical_Space_Owl 3d ago

I low key think it’s a campaign from the right to push Biden to stay in.

High key my dude, it's practically screaming.


u/AltruisticBudget4709 3d ago

I think this is a scare tactic to get people to reaffirm their loyalty and kiss the ring for another Biden presidency. The one thing that will absolutely NOT happen is for either of these two old guys to quit. They just want some news clicks by scaring voters into thinking he might drop out.